Re: [sixties-l] yippies/feminist

Date: 11/03/00

  • Next message: radman: "[sixties-l] Would Clinton ban release of the Pentagon Papers?"

    Gem Spa, and Ratner's were our special Yippie hangouts. There were still 
    plenty of candy stores in the Lower East Side area and egg creams were not a 
    novelty. But I can, having grown up on them on Ave. U in Brooklyn, declare 
    that Gem Spa's were the best. A word of about Ratner's and their grumpy 
    waiters. They were always nice to the Yippies, "Abbie, why can't you act like 
    a mench?" - And they gave us plenty of free rolls and whatever else - when we 
    came bouncing and kibitzing in there late at night.

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