Re: [sixties-l] right spam

From: David Horowitz (
Date: 10/01/00

  • Next message: Barbara L Tischler: "Re: [sixties-l] "Stalinist"? -- To David Horowitz"

    You people are so ridiculous. I have a company and a foundation to run, employing
    more than twenty people. I have to raise $3.5 million a year from over 40,000
    individuals in order to keep these operations running. I am a Fox contributor on
    daily call for television commentaries. I have a book just out to promote (I do
    over 150 hours of radio talk shows a year besides this), a newly published
    pamphlet (you'll be pleased to note it's called The Death of the Civil Rights
    Movement), an ad campaign to coordinate for that, a website at
    which got 6 million hits this week to oversee, an online daily magazine to edit,
    hundreds of letters to the editor for both sites that I have to read and answer
    daily, a column for Salon to write, an event to host at which 70 inner city
    charities will attend and which is coming up in a couple of weeks, speaking trips
    to New York, Kansas and Texas this month, a book on progressive witch-hunts to
    write, two strategy newsletters a week to write and publish (you can check out
    this activity at my third website, and you think I am being
    paid to bother a little kaffe klatch of nobodies? Give me a break.This just shows
    what narcissistic paranoids you are. What are you doing on this website that
    anyone in his right mind would want to disrupt? The simple truth is, you can't
    handle your own insignificance, and you can't handle intellectual or political
    disagreement. You have to label it, demonize it and exorcise it. That's what the
    don't-respond-to-David-Horowitz movement is about. I'm here mainly for my
    amusement and but also for my edification. I just wanted to check that you're
    still totalitarians at heart. Look in the mirror, and wake up. wrote:
    > It seems to me that someone being paid by the right to disrupt this list is
    > as much spamming it as would be someone constantly popping in rightwing (or
    > any other) commercials.  Spam is to be ignored.  (Let us avoid the disruption
    > of arguments over censoring.)  I too pledge no-more-on-DH-subject/s.
    > Paula

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