[sixties-l] Re: sixties-l-Horowitz as Pat Buchanan

From: Jeffrey Blankfort (jab@tucradio.org)
Date: Sun Sep 03 2000 - 05:38:08 CUT

  • Next message: radman: "[sixties-l] Fwd: Chicano Moratorium"

    A friend forward this piece of jingoism, worthy of Pat Buchanan, to me
    today, in which David Horowitz accuses me of having "a subversive
    mission whose agenda is to warn them [my students]against the very
    society their parents had freely chosen. The students are addressed not
    as members of a free community freely choosing their futures, but as
    though they were dragged to these shores (and kept here) in chains."

    He based this assumption on my questioning of students who stand for the
    pledge of allegiance "if she or he can tell me of any moment in history
    where the inhabitants of this land actually enjoyed 'liberty and justice
    for all,' and beyond the words
    of the pledge, to show me any proof that such was ever intended."

    No student was ever able to do so. Now I am making the same challenge
    to Prof. Horowitz to see, with his apparent profound knowledge and deep
    respect for American history and its traditions, e.g., slavery and Jim
    Crow, genocide of the indigenous population, close to 200 interventions
    on foreign soil, if he can answer the question.

    Perhaps, Horowitz would like to have a public debate on the question?
    I'm ready, David. Just name the time and place.

    Jeff Blankfort
    salon.com | July 10, 2000
    URL: http://www.frontpagemag.com/dh/dh07-10-00p.htm

    The Fourth of July Weekend is normally a time for reflection about
    the American Founding and renewed commitment to its enduring legacy.
    But in recent
    years the anniversary of American Independence has also become an
    occasion to reflect on the way America's heritage is under continuous
    assault by the
    determined legions of the political left. This attack has been
    mounted by an intellectual class based in the media and in America's
    politically correct
    educational institutions. Their inspiration is a set of discredited
    19th Century dogmas masquerading as "progressive" nostrums, and not
    even the collapse
    of Communism has been able to reconcile their alienated psyches with
    the American cause.

    These thoughts were brought into focus by three unrelated but
    thematically coherent incidents that occurred during the holiday
    respite. They include an
    Internet post concerning the Pledge of Allegiance as it is taught in
    our public schools; a dialogue about "patriotism" arranged by the New
    York Times
    between neo-conservative Norman Podhoretz and Nation editor Victor
    Navasky; and the release of Mel Gibson's epic film, "The Patriot,"
    which is about
    this history itself.

    The ritual of civic renewal is important to Americans in a way that
    it is not to the citizens of other nations. Their patria have been
    created out of common
    bonds of blood, language and soil. Their national identities are not
    intrinsic - as America's is -- to a set of abstract principles and
    ideas. The singularity of
    the American identity lies in being forged through a conscious
    commitment to what until recently was still referred to as an
    "American way of life." The
    construct "American" was defined by the Founding, beginning with its
    Declaration that announced the creation of a new nation dedicated to
    the proposition
    that all human beings are created equal and that they are endowed
    with a natural right to pursue life, liberty and happiness. To be
    anti-American is not only
    to reject the heritage of this past, but a future that is "American" as well.

    Until recently, the public schools in America functioned as a
    crucible of its citizenship. Immigrants who came to America seeking
    refuge and opportunity
    were educated in this social contract by their teachers. At the
    beginning of every school day, students would pledge allegiance to
    the flag of a multi-ethnic
    republic that was united into one indivisible nation by the
    commitment of all its citizens to a common national ideal. For these
    immigrants, public education
    was a process of assimilation into an American culture that had
    pledged itself to liberty and justice for all. But now this contract
    is under siege by radical
    multi-culturalists who condemn America and its heritage as
    oppressive, and valorize instead the culture of the "Other" - of
    peoples this nation is alleged to
    oppress. In this perverse -- but now academically normal - view, the
    world is turned upside down. The nation conceived in liberty is
    reconceived as the
    tyrant to be overthrown.

    Hows effective is this campaign? A Zogby poll, taken in January,
    showed that nearly a third of America's college students declined to
    say that they are
    proud to be Americans. This can be considered a direct result of the
    fact that their left-wing professors, as a matter of course, teach
    them to be ashamed of
    their country's present and its history.

    The Internet post I came across was from a Sixties list, and it
    encapsulated the attitude that has caused this to happen. The post
    was written by Jeffrey
    Blankfort, a photographer who supplied the media with romantic images
    of the Black Panthers, during their struggles with law and order in
    the 1960s.
    Blankfort is now a public school teacher, and an unreconstructed
    missionary from the hate-America school of radical thought, perhaps
    the most enduring
    legacy of his radical generation to the national debate. This is what
    Blankfort wrote:

    "In the schools in which I have subbed and then taught, very few
    students stand for the pledge of allegiance unless coerced to do so
    by their teacher. Most
    of the students have either African, Latin American or Asian
    ancestry. When an occasional student does stand, I ask, in a friendly
    manner, if she or he can
    tell me of any moment in history where the inhabitants of this land
    actually enjoyed 'liberty and justice for all,' and beyond the words
    of the pledge, to show
    me any proof that such was ever intended."

    In other words, for Jeffrey Blankfort and his comrades, gone is the
    role of public education as an assimilator of immigrants and
    minorities into the
    American culture; gone, too, is the task of integrating them into the
    opportunities offered under the umbrella of "the American dream." It
    has been replaced
    by a subversive mission whose agenda is to warn them against the very
    society their parents had freely chosen. The students are addressed
    not as members
    of a free community freely choosing their futures, but as though they
    were dragged to these shores (and kept here) in chains. Thirty years
    ago no teacher
    would have thought to abuse his authority over school children in
    this manner. But now educational institutions all the way from
    university to kindergarten
    have been thoroughly politicized by a "post-modern" left that
    respects no institutions and no standards, and for whom everything is
    political, including the
    lives of small children.

    This is an authentic movement of sedition, and it is new as well. In
    fact, I have a personal way of measuring just how new. My father was
    a Communist
    teacher during the Thirties and Forties, unfairly purged in the
    McCarthy era from the New York City school system. But not for an act
    like this. For he did
    not, so far as the record shows, violate his classroom trust; nor did
    he intrude his personal political agendas into his lessons. Even
    though my father
    belonged to a conspiratorial party that took its orders from a
    foreign power, it would have been absolutely unthinkable for him to
    attack America in its
    promise ("show me any proof that such [liberty and justice] was ever
    intended") as today's leftists reflexively do.

    My father belonged to a party whose slogan was "Communism is 20th
    Century Americanism," and he believed it. The socialism of which he
    and his
    comrades dreamed was incompatible, of course, with the American
    founding. But in their minds the future to which they aspired was
    going to be a
    completion - not a rejection - of the American idea. Accordingly,
    they named their organizations after American icons like Lincoln and
    Jefferson, men now
    routinely demonized by the left as "racists" and (in Jefferson's
    case) "rapists." Even though what Communists like my father really
    wanted was a "Soviet

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