Re: [sixties-l] The Covert War Against Rock

From: Chris Shugart (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 19:38:30 CUT

  • Next message: "[sixties-l] Re: corporations and techno-change availability"

    Who needs a covert war when you have a government that meddles in plain
    sight? Let us not forget the Congressional investigation of rock and roll
    that took place in the fifties. (they did it to comic books too) And what
    about the absurd investigation into the lyrics of "Louie Louie" that
    occurred in the sixties? More recently we got the V-chip as well as ratings
    for music CDs. Our tax dollars ever-diligently at work.

    I don't dispute the existence of covert activity. Constantine's book
    actually looks interesting. Just thought I'd expand the perspective a bit.

    Chris Shugart

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