Re: [sixties-l] the flag and the pledge

From: Jeffrey Blankfort (
Date: Sun Jul 02 2000 - 00:43:47 CUT

  • Next message: Elmer Lightman: "[sixties-l] David Frum NYT op-ed ignored by everyone?"

    In the schools in which I have subbed and then taught, very few students
    stand for the pledge of allegiance unless coerced to do so by their
    teacher. Most of the students have either African, Latin American or
    Asian ancestry. When an occasional student does stand, I ask, in a
    friendly manner, if she or he can tell me of any moment in history where
    the inhabitants of this land actually enjoyed "liberty and justice for
    all," and beyond the words of the pledge, to show me any proof that such
    was ever intended.

    "Under God," was added after "One nation," while I was in school and it
    was in the 50s. Before that we were apparently pagan.

    Jeff Blankfort

    > Mike Garrison wrote:
    > >After the sixties, including facing American troops in the streets and
    > >fighting the government, I had a real hard time (and still do) with the
    > flag
    > >b.s. and the "honoring" symbols, especially the Pledge of Allegiance.
    > I came in late on this. Has the timing of the phrase "under God" been
    > discussed. Wasn't it added later? 1950s?
    > Tony Edmonds
    > Ball State U.

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