Re: [sixties-l] Re: sixties-l-Re Vietnam Memorial

From: Joe McDonald (
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 03:45:31 CUT

  • Next message: Joe McDonald: "[sixties-l] Re: Makah Whaling Update (June 18, 2000: Your tax dollars at work)"

    Jeffrey Blankfort wrote:

    > Some of the young Chicanos had obviously more consciousness than others
    > because in looking at a list of those who had failed to report for
    > induction that was hanging on the wall, Spanish surnames predominated.
    > While the overwhelmingly white anti-war movement focused on those among
    > us who were either burning their drafts cards or going to Canada or
    > Europe, another segment of our society was finding another way to deal
    > with it. No doubt many of the Chicanos who didn't show went South to
    > Mexico. Others probably hid in their communities. In any case, it is a
    > story that is yet to be told and its implications understood.

    Although this info is not about Chicanos who avoided Vietnam it is about Chicanos.
    Charley Trujillo, and instructor in Intercultural/International Studies Division
    at ?De Anze College in Cupertino, California, has written a wonderful book
    SOLDADOS, CHICANOS IN VIET NAM. Mr Trujillo is a Vietnam War veteran himself and
    quoted from his preface to the book "I conduct research and document
    the war experiences of those Chicanos of my hometown of Corcoran, an
    agriculturally based community of 6,000 (thirty percent of whom are Chicanos)
    situated in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California."

    and further "The veterans interviewed in this book are often related, friends,
    neighbors, schoolmates, or sometimes even enemies."

    This wonderful paperback 179 page book is real and readable using the words of the
    soldiers themselves without politics or philosophy. Mr Trujillo in addition has
    other titles on Vietnam from the Mexican/American experience. He is self
    published and here is the data on how to get the book and contact him:

    Charlie Trujillo Publisher
    P O Box 467
    San Jose, CA 95103-0467
    (408) 947-0958

    -- "Ira Furor Brevis Est " - Anger is a brief madness

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