Re: [sixties-l] Re: [Fwd: sixties-l-Vietnam War

Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 15:30:27 CUT

  • Next message: Joe McDonald: "Re: [sixties-l] Re: sixties-l-Vietnam War Memorials"

    re - Jeff B and Marty J
        I too question the view that Humphrey would have ended the was so quickly
    if elected. His personal history of immense opportunism comes to mind. I also
    question the view that the New Left's turn to revolutionism played a
    significant part in his defeat. Humphrey defeated Humphrey. He could not
    control the Mayor of Chicago during the convention or LBJ - hence the police
    rioting. And then Humphrey delayed his announcing a different and better
    position on the war than that of the Johnson administration. When he finally
    announced his new position he began
     gaining in the polls. He lost but the view was (at the time,) that if he had
    had the guts to break with LBJ earlier he would have won. Ofcourse as a
    winner he might have sold out. That was the HHH way.
    Stew Albert

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