[sixties-l] Que Hacer

From: Joe McDonald (joe@countryjoe.com)
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 05:24:26 CUT

  • Next message: Joe McDonald: "Re: [sixties-l] Re: Vietnam War Memorial"

    Life for us in the 60's was such a wonderful time to work together! Working together combines two basic human needs: activity and community. Nothing has changed really in that regard. Do you know that the 60's generation as defined by the Washington Post is 60 million people!? 25 million men and 25 million women. We are now in the prime of our life and can carry the full direction of the USA in private and governmental sectors easily just by voting together. What is the problem?

    Lets brake down the stats a bit. 10 million Vietnam Era military veterans. 9 million men, one million women. How many in the Anti War Movement? the Hippie/psychedellic movement? Lets say 5 million. That leaves 35 million people who did not have that group total community involvement of working together and accomplishing important goals. Also of living together and having fun together often.

    i was asked in 1982 by Jan Scruggs if i would lay a wreath at the "Wall" with Richard Nixon! my first response was fuck no BUT then i saw the symbolism with its healing power and said yes. Nixon refused to have anything to do with the "Wall". He is dead. We are not.

    Cheers, country joe mcdonald

    -- "Ira Furor Brevis Est " - Anger is a brief madness

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    Berkeley Vietnam Veterans Memorial <http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/Links/Comm/vvm>
    Rag Baby Online Magazine <http://www.ragbaby.com/magazine>

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