Re: [sixties-l] more .. generations (and Abbie Hoffman)

From: Neil Friedman (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 10:35:15 CUT

  • Next message: William M King: "Re: [sixties-l] "Generation" as the wrong focus"

    I came to Brandeis as a freshman in 1957. I lived in Fruchtman C (I
    think). Abbie Hoffman was definitly the sandwich man in the quad
    (Ridgewood) where I lived. He would come in with a box full of subs and
    yell out "sandwich man"! He invariably wore jeans, had to me what was
    clearly a Mass. (I would have said Boston, then) accent and threew
    himself into his work. I was amazed and amused to see him famous
    sometime later - I don't rememebr when I first encountered him as ABBIE
    HOFFMAN. (For further trivia, Mendy Samstein later of SNCC lived in the
    next door to mine room.)

    Many blessings,

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