Re: QUERY: Radio Propaganda during Viet Nam war

Stephen Denney (sdenney@IGC.APC.ORG)
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 22:57:43 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 wrote:

> Anyone who have have heard Radio Hanoi
> and/or Liberation Radio in English and their
> impressions.

Radio broadcasts from Hanoi were translated daily (and still are) by
the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. FBIS is
available in the Government documents collections of most university
libraries (which are Federal depositories) but I believe in microfiche
it begins around 1974. For earlier FBIS you might have to visit a
library such as Cornell or the Hoover Institution of Stanford where
they would have these materials during the war.

I work at the Indochina Center of U.C. Berkeley, we have some FBIS
translations of Hanoi broadcasts during the war. We have files
specifically on the communication-propaganda system of North Vietnam
during the war, perhaps a half a cabinet drawer.

- Steve Denney