Query-African American public opinion (multiple responses)

Sun, 8 Nov 1998 12:20:25 -0500


From: Michael Loret de Mola <ml7z@server2.mail.Virginia.EDU>
Subject: Re: Query-African American public opinion

Adam Nixon asked:

> Why cut off at Tet?

Two reasons: 1) I have to put bounds on my research
2) Tet marks a substantial shift in public opinion. The
years between 64 and 67 show much more diverse and confused
stances regarding the war. This is what I'm investigating.
After Tet, the majority wanted to either get out or seek

Michael Loret de Mola
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

"If you're going through hell, keep going."

-Winston Churchill


From: Richard Manning <daltd@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Query-African American public opinion

Excellent question!! Because Tet was the real beginning of the
somnolent American public majority finally catching on to what most
Europeans already knew for some years : the US government was lying
through their teeth about why the war began in the first place, what
was going on and how we did not belong in that land, in any way, at

And, of course, Tet was also an awakening for the average grunt to the
fact they he was really fighting most of the people of Vietnam, not
just so-called 'Communists'. Then the Black grunts were some of the
first to realize that the war was also fundamentally a racist
aggression. As they came to personally relate to that fact, they
started to object to having essentially WASP leaders order them to
kill Vietnamese peasants, including so many civilians. They showed
more moral courage in doing so than any other ethnic group in Nam.

richard manning
Plans Officer, OSA, Khan Hoa Provence; Cam Ranh