Re: Jesus freaks/Jezer message

Lynne Taylor (ltaylor@WATARTS.UWATERLOO.CA)
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 19:26:18 -0500

Having just finished a series of lectures on Nazism in Germany during the
1930s, and its social base, I find Marty Jezer's message both fascinating
and disturbing. The kids who found salvation (?) in the hippie movement
and the Jesus movement in the 1960s sound very much like those who found
salvation in the fascist movements of the 1930s. So what does that tell us
about both this part of society and about these movements?
Lynne Taylor

>One way to get at this subject is through CLASS. Historians of the period
>rarely come to grips with the class nature of the counter-culture. The
>gurus, spokespeople, organizers were largely college-educated and middle
>class (and older than the hippie dropouts themselves). There were a lot of
>working class kids and also a lot
>of lost "lumpen" kids who joined up. These kids, despite the rhetoric, were
>not looking for revolution, they were looking for a
>means of salvaging their life. And the Jesus movement was a lifesaver for
>many of them.
>There's always been a class of teenage dropouts, alienated, lost, and
>without the education or social skills to get by in the middle-class world.
> The hippie movement, as a whole, and the Jesus movement in particular,
>gave them a place in the world, something that the kids like that no longer
>On the other hand, their lack of skills, and their really desperate
>alienation and (understandable) rage made them difficult to organize in any
>non-hierarchical communal fashion.
>Marty Jezer
>Author: The Dark Ages: Life in the USA, 1945-1960
> Abbie Hoffman: American Rebel
> Stuttering: A Life Bound Up in Words