review of Getty dissertation now on PLP Page

Grover Furr (
Mon, 6 May 1996 11:19:05 -0400

I know I have recommended J. Arch Getty's Ph.D. dissertation on
the USSR in the 30s several times, in connection with discussion of
the liberating effect the activism of the 60s had in encouraging many
people to question the anti-communism on which the whole imperialist
Cold War was based.

It'd be nice if this dissertation were available on the Web, but
I haven't found anything of Getty's. However, there is a review of
Getty's dissertation on the Progressive Labor Party page, at:

I think the review is pretty fair-minded. It also has info about
how to order the dissertation from University Microfilms

There has been a _lot_ of new research since Getty's
dissertation, of course. Let me point out one thing.

This Sunday's New York Times Book Review sharply attacks the new
work by Robert W. Thurston (U. Miami/Ohio) from Yale University Press,
while upholding yet another Cold War biography of Stalin. I haven't
read Thurston's book, but I'm ordering it _today_. Thurston does
excellent research. In 1986 he published the first and, I think, the
_only_ article in an academic Soviet studies journal (_Slavic Review_)
to call Robert Conquest, king of the anti-Stalinists, a "lousy
researcher." Now his book is out and prominently reviewed (and
attacked), the fact that there is another view of the Soviet Union
during the '30s will be a little harder to hide.


Grover C. Furr

English Department | Phone: (201) 655-7305
Montclair State University | email:
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 |

** NOTE: new email address 9/1/95: **