RE: Panthers at Yale
Wed, 27 Mar 1996 08:39:48 -0500

>I don't know about the Yale pamphlet, but the first of such pamphlets
>at elite universities was "Who Rules Columbia?", put out by the '68
>strikers and SDS, and it was followed by "How Harvard Rules" put out
>in '69 or '70 by the intrepid Harvard strikers.

(Not sure what this thread is, by a few more cents....)

There must have been many others. At Georgetown University, the SDS
chapter put out a counter-orientation handbook for new students, entitled
"Not with my life you don't" and set up a counter-orientation table
at Freshman registration. The Newsreel Panther film was shown in the dorms
(sheets hung across the hallway, could be viewed from both sides).
That fall when San Francisco mayor Alioto (infamous for his role in the San
Francisco State strike over a Third World Dept) came to give some talk at
GU (Bill Clinton was likely in the audience, if not on the Univ welcoming
committee), the activists blocked him and forced his retreat.
...And life was never again the same....


John Fournelle
Electron Microprobe Lab
Dept of Geology & Geophysics Office: (608) 262-7964
University of Wisconsin Lab: (608) 265-4798
1215 West Dayton Street Fax: (608) 262-0693
Madison, WI 53706 Amateur radio: WA3BTA/9

"The first rule of all intelligent tinkering is to save all the pieces."
Aldo Leopold