North Georgia College will host a Federally funded one-
day conference on "The Middle East Peace Process" at North
Georgia College on February 21, 1995. Internationally known experts
on Israeli-Palestinian relations and the parallel peace process at
work in Lebanon, Syria and the Gulf lo these many years will discuss
the current state of these negotiations, the impact upon them of the
assasination of Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, and future prospects
for peace in the region. One of the speakers, Dr. Kenneth
Stein, helped broker the Camp David Accords and has recently
returned from observing the recent elections in Plaestine. The
conference, which will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., will be open
to the public and there will be no registration fee.
Seating at the conference and at the inexpensive pay-as-you-go
conference luncheon, however, will be limited and will be reserved
in advance on a first come, first served basis. For reservations and
further information, contact Professor Marc Jason Gilbert, Department
of History and Sociology, North Georgia College by e-mail at
Panel sessions are currently scheduled to meet in Gloria Shott
Auditorium. The Luncheon will be served in the Dinning Hall in a
room to be named shortly.
North Georgia College is located off the four lane divided Georgia
Highway 400, one and one-half hour north by car from downtown
Atlanta, 50 minutes north of the northern perimeter interstate
highway, I-285.
The Tentative Conference
Schedule is as follows:
Session 1 9:30 to 10:45 a.m
"Troops on the Golan Heights"
Col. Steve Gotowicki, US Army Command and Staff College
"Towards Peace in Lebanon"
Walter Lang, Defense Intelligence Agency
Session 2 10:45 to 12:15
"America and the Persian Gulf"
Prof. Edward Ghareeb, American University
"Jordan and the Peace Process"
Alfred Prados, The Congressional Research Service
Buffet Luncheon 12:15-1:30
Speaker (The Consul or Consul General of Israel)
Session 3 1:30-3:00
"The Palestinians and the Peace Process"
Steve Pelletier, The Strategic Studies Institute
"The Recent Palestinian Elections and the Peace Process"
Dr. Ken Stein, Emory University