You are invited to a talk by Anne Kenney from Cornell University Library on
digital preservation at 2:00, Tuesday, April 16th, in Clemons 201. This
talk is sponsored by the Supporting Digital Scholarship Project, funded by
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Please feel free to futher extend this
invitation to anyone else who may be interested.
Anne is the Assistant University Librarian for a newly formed division,
Instruction, Research, and Information Services. This division includes
access services, reference services, collection development, preservation,
the Asia Collections, and the libraries of Africana, Fine Arts, and Music.
For the past decade she has been leading research and instruction programs
at Cornell on the use of digital imaging and digital preservation. She's
the co-author of 3 award-winning books, including Moving Theory into
Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives, published by RLG,
which won the SAA Leland Award for best book of the year in 2000.
The talk will be on the 5 states of digital preservation and the work that
Cornell has been undertaking in this area.
Thornton Staples
Voice: 434-924-3975
Fax: 434-924-1431
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