All, I have placed two documents up on the SDS site for your review. The first is an outline from our first meeting. Please look it over and let me know if it reflects the discussion. I took the liberty of changing it a little from what was on the white board. The second is a bibliography. I is almost exclusively about digital collecting (and related activities). I would very much like some recommendations of short articles that deal with the various topics outlined in traditional media. Please. Edward Gaynor has agreed to join us in our deliberations. [EDWARED ALERT: Welcome Edward, and let me know if you get this, as it will confirm you are on the list] Edward will also need to be added to the corporate time group. MEETING: we said we would meet the first Wednesday of the month, 1-2:30. Since November 1 is a Wednesday, and I am late in getting around to this, can you all meet this Wednesday? Daniel
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