Re: Text Theory Talk

From: Bethany Nowviskie (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 21:00:16 CUT

Dear Paola and all,

I'll reply to the list, since I've gotten several questions along these
lines lately.

> How are you? Hope you are enjoying the weather. I wanted to ask you if
> anything would be posted (minutes/conclusions/notes) about tomorrow's
> brown bag lunch. Unfortunately I must miss it and I was hoping to be able

I will take some notes at the panel tomorrow and post them to our web
page. Position statements from each speaker are there already. And yes,
I am indeed enjoying the weather.

> On another note, is there any other place/way that I can get Jerome's
> paper--the file he circulated earlier this week? I find myself unable to
> open the attachement. Again, if it isn't avaiable anywhere else that is

Jerry accidentally copied the HC list on a message meant for me. That
file, though, will be communal property soon. It's an outline of his talk
from last semester, which is also destined for our web page.

I hope to see many of you at our two talks tomorrow!


                    Bethany Paige Nowviskie
           University of Virginia Department of English
     Design Editor/Senior Research Assistant, Rossetti Archive
        Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities

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