Bethany Nowviskie (
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:59:27 -0400 (EDT)

> Is Willard McCarty's talk really on Thursday the 11th? I hope so, as it
> will keep it from interfering with e-summit activities.

Johanna (and all) -- I was mistaken. Willard McCarty will visit us on
Friday, November 5th. His paper, "Humanities Computing as
Interdiscipline," is already available from the papers section of our
webpage (

However, Geoffrey Rockwell will be in town on the 12th, during the
e-summit. I'd like to get a sense of how many people would therefore be
unable to attend his talk at our regular time, from eleven to one o'clock.
Would you please email me privately if that's the case for you? We may
be able to reschedule slightly.

Bethany Paige Nowviskie
University of Virginia Department of English
Design Editor/Senior Research Assistant, Rossetti Archive
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities