group 3

Adam Winters (ahw2m@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU)
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 22:02:31 -0400 (EDT)

Group III-

My first reaction is that this project is highly visual. The
graphics are clean and crisp. Gives a great presentation.
Bizarre, too. (Did any of you have that dream where youre
walking in a mall in your pajamas? Maybe thats just me.)
Technical: I have a problem every time I try to return to
consciousness (could be a personal problem). Any way every
time I do I get an error. Could be my computer. Also, when I
get to the end of every dream I always come to a picture of a
nice blue sky with flowers which is pretty much a dead end, so
I have to make frequent use of the back button to get anywhere
. Final technical note, when I try to follow link
hyperdreaming? on your index1.html page, I get the message: The
requested URL/~ensp482/lay4a/fucntion.html was not found on
this server. Now, about the actual content: very dreamy. I
realize that these are fiction (I hope these are fiction,
otherwise I quote your Subaru Nelson Mandella page: Man, you
need help!), but they also represent the surrealistic quality
that is characteristic of dreams. The only other thing I have
to say about the actual dreams, is that I would like to see
more dreams, more nodes. What you have is
excellent--kaleidoscopic and colorful. I like the quotes from
Aristotle, Grainger but I think that some Freud would be neat
too. Didnt see any if it was there. Did you consider
including some sort of interpretation of dreams? Seems as if
you mentioned it at midterm. (I remember Prof. Unsworth
showing us a site at which you could interpret your own
dreams.) All in all, project looks great.

-Adam W.
