Re: attn: Mr. Unsworth

John Unsworth (
Fri, 6 Dec 1996 21:24:14 -0500

At 03:18 PM 12/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Mr. Unsworth,
>Just a quick question:
>What are the HTML commands used to force images to change?


There are two ways to animate images on web pages (aside from shockwave etc.):
you can do a gif89 image or you can use server push to send a series of gifs
from server to client. Gif89s are probably easier and better looking, once
you get the hang of doing them--they're really layered images which reveal
one layer at a time, in sequence, at a specified speed and for a specified
number of repetitions. The other method, server push, is not that often
used any more, and it's more cumbersome--and if you have the images
necessary to do the server push,
you can use them to assemble a gif89. I guess the one advantage of server push
is that the server push might work on more and older clients.

Actually, Javascript could do some of this too, but I wouldn't tackle that
at this point in the process...

I can't get at the netscape server right now, but in their documentation
you will find information on server push. is a site with some examples of Gif89
animation--I like the one on the first page, myself. is one of several mirror sites
of a document that has everything you need to know about doing GIF89
animations: have at!

John Unsworth / Director, IATH / Dept. of English