Re: 11/22 Class Projects ?'s

John Unsworth (
Tue, 19 Nov 1996 20:27:00 -0500

At 06:54 PM 11/19/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I was just wondering whether the critique of group projects is due Friday,
>or if that's the agenda for Friday's class....

Allison reminds us all that we're getting to the last couple of classes, and
yes, critiques of projects are coming due.

This means a couple of things:

First, if you are holding back material because it isn't complete, it's time
to put it up and finish it online. This means that people who are
critiquing your site should be able to see as much as possible of what's
actually there.

Second, each person in the class needs to turn in some comments on the sites
other than the one on which s/he is working. Mark, you should turn in
comments on all but one, pick which.

In order to organize discussion a little, it would make sense to deal with
designated projects in each of the next two classes: I'm going to work
backwards in our list, starting with SOLaR, then the VFH, then the Women's
Center. I'd like comments, therefore, on the SOLaR and VFH sites for
Friday. If you are on the Women's Center project, you should comment on
both; if you are on SOLaR or VFH, comment on the one you're not working on.
The following class (we skip a week for Thanksgiving) we'll take comments on
the Women's Center (from the SOLaR and VFH people), and we'll talk about how
we close out this whole process. I expect there will be some small time
commitment, equivalent to an exam period, during the exam week, in which I
willS meet with the groups and your hosts, and ask you to present your final
product to them.

I realize that if you are commenting on a site now, you are commenting on
something that's had less time to be completed than the site you will
comment on two weeks later: there are plusses and minuses to that, in both
directions. If you get comments now, you have more time to act on them; if
you get comments later, you have a more finished product to present. No way
around that. Like I say, I'll take it into account.

SO: bottom line...If you are in Women's Center group, please email comments
(a page or so on each) re: VFH and SOLaR, by Friday. If you are in VFH or
SOLaR, please mail comments on the other (VFH or SOLaR) by Friday.


John Unsworth / Director, IATH / Dept. of English