
starfish and coffee (
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:11:43 -0500 (EST)


i am feeling like scheisse today
so i think i am going to use my absence now.

to vfh people:
there is a stray $5000 on the grant list that doesnt seem to go
anywhere...there was also an extra explanation of a grant, which i think
went with the first one on my list, so one of them has two...i forget the
name of it, but it's the one right before chihamba dance
i kept the $5000 in the html side so we would know it was there, written
in brackets so as not to appear on the page, so if any program is missing
money, thar it is.
call me and let me know whats next.

"Be careful when fighting monsters, lest ye become a monster yourself; and
if you look into an abyss long enough, the abyss will also look into you."