VFH - wallpaper idea

Elissa A. Booth (eab2k@faraday.clas.virginia.edu)
Thu, 14 Nov 1996 09:06:25 -0500 (EST)

Hello everyone!

One of our Board Members (who lives in Charlottesville) is a
book collector. He has some parchment dating back to the
Middle Ages, as well as a contemporary copy of this type of
parchment which he's going to bring to me tomorrow. It might
work really nice as a background (instead of the crinkled
paper) and it should complement the weaving motif we discussed
yesterday. I told him that we could scan them in, and then
return them to him (since they are very valuable). What do you

I'm going to try to work on collecting more copy and photos for
the other sections of the Web Site (like the Center for Media
and Culture). Hopefully, I'll have them for our Wed mtg.

By the way, thanks for meeting with Garry and myself
yesterday. -Elissa

Elissa Booth
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Phone: (804) 924-3296
Fax:  (804) 296-4714