Re: the hyper-texted body

Thejender Boaz Prasad (
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 16:38:56 -0500 (EST)

When we look at the foundation of capitalsm we see
market forces. What controls market forces? People! People's
needs and desires are what control capitalism. I'm not an econ
person so I don't know if that is technically correct, but
that's my gut feeling.
So, how do hyper-text communities deal with their needs
and desires? Can they adequately address their needs if they
are integrated within themselves, floating randomly, attaching
to various forms of data at will and then moving ahead?
I think the argument that Kroker and Winstein make
regarding the utopian possibilties of the net is noble, but not
pragmatic. The world will always be filled with people who
have their own needs and desires to meet and consider others
inconsequential. What do YOU think?