VFH Group

Elissa A. Booth (eab2k@faraday.clas.virginia.edu)
Tue, 29 Oct 1996 14:40:02 -0500 (EST)

Hello everyone! Well, I've been working on getting additional
copy and photos.

Here's what I have as of now:
1. Grant program opening blurb, 4 exemplary
projects (on disc & paper) w/ photos.
2. Rockefeller and Center fellowship
applications on disc.
Here's what I'm working on:
1. I need to get permission yet for 2 of the
four photos, and original photos for them (I
only have paper reproductions of them.
-permission should be easy, getting the photos
make take a bit.)
2. A nice photo of the VFH. (I'm close)
3. Getting Rob to cough up an introductory
blurb or quote about the VFH. (also close)

I suspect I'll have a photo of the VFH and Rob's quote in a day
or two. Do you want to wait until then to pick up the grant
program and applications info until then? -Elissa

Elissa Booth
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Phone: (804) 924-3296
Fax:  (804) 296-4714