Readings, class tomorrow

John Unsworth (
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 22:20:35 -0400

Alright: for those of you who did not opt for a particular reading, I have
assigned you one. I assingned a couple of you readings that we will be
discussing tomorrow, but not to panic: I don't expect discussion questions
from you by email before class. I do expect questions over the weekend,
though, and I do expect you all to respond to those questions, and to all
the rest, as we go along. I emphasize again: you need to be more active on
email: it's an important part of the class. Now that we have assigned
groups, projects, and readings, I hope that'll take care of itself.

Please look at the syllabus to see what readings you need to take: if you're
assigned a reading, I want to see at least three discussion points lofted by
email at least by Wednesday before the class in which the reading is
assigned--and whether or not you're assigned a reading for that week, I want
to see some response from each of you to at least one of the discussion
points, each week.

You are now grouped into projects, on the class page: I have talked to
people from each of the three projects/institutions, and they're all very
enthusiastic about working with you. We need to do a couple of things to
get the ball rolling: first, I need you to talk to one another and decide
what your respective roles are, now that you have groups: then I need you to
tell me what those roles will be. Next, I need you to mail to the class
list a basic schedule, so I can figure out when each group can get together
with me and a representative from the respective institutions. We will need
probably three of these meetings during the remainder of the semester, and
they will have to take place outside of class time, obviously: I'll consult
each of you before I set a time, but having your schedules will make it much
easier for me to establish possible times.

See you tomorrow, in wilson 308: for future reference, unless it says (MOO)
on the heading for the class that day on the syllabus, class is in the RL
classroom, Wilson 308. There are only a couple of days when we'll need to
do the MOO now, so assume we're in Wilson, in any case. If you turn out to
be wrong, you can always telnet in from there to the MOO.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow: expect to spend most of our time
discussing reading.

John Unsworth / Director, IATH / Dept. of English