dhcs: spring schedule

From: Andrea K. Laue (akl3s@cms.mail.virginia.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 20:29:00 EST

  • Next message: Andrea K. Laue: "Re: dhcs: spring schedule (fwd)"

    January 16: display and visualization (Worthy)

    **Guest Speaker**
    January 18 (Friday): Matt Kirschenbaum, 10 AM - noon, Clemons 201

    January 30: mapping and modeling (Ben, Mike)

    **Guest Speaker**
    February 1 (Friday): Trevor Harris, 10 AM - noon, Clemons 201

    February 13: time modeling and time-dependent media (Johanna)

    February 27: computational linguistics/nlp (Steve)

    March 6: information communities (?)

    March 20: aesthetics and social forms (Jerry)

    April 3: games and game theory (Beth)

    April 17: intelligent systems and cybernetics (Andrea)

    **Guest Speaker**
    April 22 (Monday): Selmer Bringsjord, 10 AM - noon, Clemons 201

    May 1: wrap-up and presentation of syllabus

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