Monday performance of interest(??)

From: W.N. Martin (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 18:02:20 EST

  • Next message: William G. Thomas: "history and computing references"

            Cognitive Science guest perfomance
            Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:01:21 -0500
            Diane Ober <>

    This Monday, November 5th, at 5pm in Maury 209, the Cognitive Science Society and the Arts
    & Sciences
    Council present, "My Dinner with Android", a play/performance by Tom Sgouros and his robot
    Judy. It will be
    an entertaining and thought-provoking show of interest to everyone, particularly cognitive
    scientists, philosophers,
    computer scientists, musicians, sociologists, etc. The play has been highly acclaimed by
    critics and leading
    cognitive scientists around the country. I invite you to join us (and bring your friends)
    for an hour of entertainment
    that you won't forget. It will also be an excellent opportunity for interaction between
    students and faculty of
    different departments. Below is a more detailed description of the show:
    "The central question is: if you build a robot smart enough to do the dishes, will it also
    be smart enough to find
    them boring?"
    A lot of claims have been made lately about the intelligence of computers. Some
    researchers say that computers
    will eventually attain super-human intelligence. Others call these claims... um,
    poppycock. Oddly, in the search
    for the truth of the matter, both camps have overlooked an obvious strategy: interviewing
    a computer and asking
    its opinion. Intrepid researcher Sgouros has leapt into this lacuna, and presents some
    preliminary findings in a
    new not-quite-solo show. (You could call it "My Dinner with Android.")
    For more info on the show, check out:
    Thank you,
    Evan Rapoport
    Cognitive Science Society President

    Diane Ober
    Cognitive Science Program Coordinator
    Gilmer Hall B007, P.O.Box 400400
    Office: (434) 982-3019
    Fax: (434) 982-4694

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