Re: dhcs minutes: 10/17

From: Jerome McGann (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 10:16:26 EDT

  • Next message: W.N. Martin: "Re: dhcs announcement: speakers"

    do we do europeans? there is wolfgang wildgen at u. of bremen (_process,
    image, meaning_).

    At 09:44 AM 10/18/01 -0400, you wrote:

    >AL: Sowa, Bringsjord and Kirschenbaum have all confirmed. Trevor Harris
    >supposedly will. We can invite one more person. Who?
    >Proposed Speakers / Topic
    >Kathy Ball -- Georgetown, nlp <>
    >Niels Finnemann -- history of computer/social impacts
    >Lev Manovich -- new media aesthetics, <>
    >Martha Blodgett -- information communities in library context, UVa
    >Kathy Ryall -- Mitsubishi Lab, interface,
    >Jim French -- navigation and information retrieval, UVa
    >Dave Luebke -- graphics, UVa
    >Dave Brogan -- graphics, UVa
    >Aldona Towner -- is there an nlp person at IBM?
    >Ben Schneiderman -- information visualization
    >Bill Buxton -- interface <>
    >David Noble -- electronic communities, coming here anyway in November,
    >maybe just sit-in
    >Topic: Data Structures
    >Leader(s): John Unsworth and Daniel Pitti
    >JU: What we're not talking about today: not talking about very basic data
    >structures that computers use to manage data--lists, arrays, hash tables,
    >etc.; character sets (?);
    >DP: Usually use the term structured information rather than data
    >AL: To what extent to we want to step back from actual implementations--to
    >talk about classification systems, ontologies, logic, etc before we talk
    >about DTD's and databases.
    >JM: Historicization is important. We need to talk about classification
    >systems from Aristotle on . . . It's a misnomer to state that we're
    >talking about structured information; really, we're talking about
    >re-structured information.
    >JD: How are we to understand the development of database structures in the
    >history of set theory? Relational databases first appeared in the
    >late-60's and early-70's. Why is this?
    >JU: The structures we're talking about assume important things about the
    >data: hierarchy, atomical units, relations.
    >GR: Would you consider a character set a data structure?
    >DP: Computers weren't really interesting to humanists until computers were
    >able to name things--to specify their own semantics. To name things and
    >to specify structures. Two technologies most frequently used--databases
    >and markup languages.
    >Not talking about visually or aurally structured information here, just
    >Markup. The _Gentle Introduction_ seems quite ancient now. Written about
    >SGML without any knowledge of XML; talks about many things which have now
    >been eliminated in XML.
    >Email between Allen Renear and Jerry McGann.
    >Encoding is an interpretation. A DTD could not be written to capture all
    >aspects of a text.
    >Important distinction: procedural vs. declarative markup
    >The _Gentle_ doesn't delve into the philosophical issues.
    >Primary assumption that differentiates markup from relational databases:
    >hierarchy. Markup assumes that text is inherently hierarchical.
    >JM: Could you say something about standoff markup?
    >JD: What kinds of information are appropriate for markup, for databases,
    >and for a third category of structures?
    >RD: Lets take a step back and talk about theories of representation. It's
    >just as important to talk about what's not represented in any structure.
    >Let's look at a wider range of knowledge representation, theories of this
    >beyond applications in the computer.
    >DP: The introduction of computers forces us to concentrate on sturctures
    >that are processable.
    >What types of information best fit our two tools, databases and markup?
    >info. w/ repeating patterns
    >Markup Language:
    >ordered information--is the order of the objects important
    >WM: What is the "is" of text? Renear says that "text is." How well
    >accepted is that?
    >WM: Are we relativists or positivists? Are we theorists or practitioners?
    >AL: I would like to suggest that we first attempt to be theoreticians.
    >And then second, practitioners.
    >JU: I suggest that we work first as practictioners and second as
    >theoreticians. We should start with constraints.
    >TH: Fundamental conflict: representing things for what they are vs.
    >representing things for a purpose.
    >JU: Ask students to model their families as XML, object-oriented database,
    >relational database.
    >JD: classification aspect is one thing we're talking about here, but
    >aren't we also talking about metalanguages. How do we talk about the
    >languages that we are using.
    >JU: What do you mean by metalanguage? Grammars? Semantics?
    >JD: We should be aware of what it means to talk about a system of
    >representation as a system of representation. These tools assume that
    >we're making a system of representations about a system of
    >representations. Should we talk about meta structures and what they
    >Certain ways of assuming that you enter data into a database or a markup
    >language. How do we describe the way we use this?
    >JU: Rules of integrity. DTD--you must parse a document according to rules
    >of integrity. Relational database--relational algebra enforces rules of
    >integrity. Object-oriented databases don't enforce rules of integrity.
    >What's the syntax here? And where are the semantics of the syntax
    >In object-oriented systems, perhaps you hide the syntax in the methods.
    >You don't declare at the beginning very many rules. There's no way to
    >tell if the objects are internally consistent.
    >GR: Process of structuring. How do you go about trying to find or force
    >structure on data. There is a moment when you're trying to discover
    >structure when exploratory markup is very helpful. That is when you're
    >still trying to find the structure. Markup languages like CoCa. (TACT
    >uses CoCa.) Developed by Susan Hockey. Used in linguistics.
    >TH: CoCa was a late '70's markup language that was developed on a
    >particular computer.
    >JM: Has a brief description of it in her book.
    >GR: Key philosophical thing. "1" is true of "act" until you get to "2."
    ><act 1> xxx xxx xxx xxx <act 2> xxx xxx xxx
    >SR: Suspicious of distinction between procedural and descriptive.
    >JU: Procedures are, in fact, descriptive. But only implicitly
    >SR: XML is a procedural language that doesn't have its procedures defined
    >DP: Much of what people actually markup are implicitly procedures. You
    >want someting to happen to the text.
    >TH: You do this with a purpose. You want to call a procedure at the last
    >minute, maybe, but you do have an intention.
    >DP: 125 different occasions for which italics were used in the OED.
    >Should we make 125 tags?
    >SR: Almost the same as saying that typography is not semantic. Or layout
    >is not semantic. That's just wrong.
    >DP: Maybe distinction should be noun vs. verb.
    >GR: This method--CoCa--describes a very humanities oriented-method of
    >processing the text. XML encourages another, a distanced evaluation of
    >the entire structure before entering into it. CoCa describes a linear
    >method of reading. It's very hard to do document analysis in a
    >hierarchical manner. CoCa is serial.
    >TDBSGML -- with a lookup table, you can take a tact database and convert
    >to a TEI-lite document.
    >JU: Two questions. milestone vs. continuation of truth until stated
    >GR: Instead of "closing" tags, you change the value of the variable to
    >"off" or "stop."
    >Good exploratory markup language doesn't enforce hierarchy from the
    >JU: Is this pointing to a different between a deductive and an inductive
    >approach. The inductive approach would use exploratory markup.
    >GR: How do we do document analysis as a practice?
    >JD: Pedagogical methods. CoCa might be a very good pedagogical tool.
    >Doesn't require a pre-existing DTD.
    >JU: This points to how comfortable we are about some positivist notions of
    >text. We laugh about turning metaphor "off," but yet we have a sense of
    >metaphor as a bounded thing.
    >What differnt models or tools might be more appropriate at differnt
    >moments of analysis, different places in the process.
    >Or maybe have students markup a text, feed to "Fred" or other agent that
    >will return the DTD implicit, and see how you structured.
    >RD: Look at theories of text. Then have students try to markup texts
    >according to these different theories.
    >JU: In February we'll have Paul Eggert visit and talk about
    >JIT--just-in-time markup.
    >Email URL about this.

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