Readings for next week

From: Stephen Ramsay (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 13:55:07 EDT

  • Next message: Andrea K. Laue: "dhcs: last minute reminder"

    DHCS Seminar Classmates,

    It is my great pleasure to announce the readings for next week's KR seminar
    meeting on algorithms, data structures, programming, and other issues relating
    to matters computational. They are:

    1. "A Century of Controversy over the Foundations of Mathematics"

    This is G.J. Chaitin's March 2000 Distinguished Lecture at Carnegie Mellon
    University School of Computer Science. It's more than usually chatty (even for
    a speech), but it's one of the clearest explications of the subject
    I've come across.

    Available on the web at

    2. "Basic Concepts" from *The Art of Computer Programming* by Donald Knuth

    The preface to what is arguably the most famous book ever written on the
    subject of algorithms and data structures. Contains Knuth's explanation of
    what an algorithm is.

    3. "Models of Reasoning" from *Philosophy and Computer Science* by Timothy

    Some philosophizing on the nature of reasoning in a computational context.

    4. "Beyond Leibniz's Dream" from *The Universal Computer* by Martin Davis

    This epilogue to Davis's book is a response to some interesting statements by
    the philosopher John Searle on the subject of what computers can and cannot do.

    All readings except for the first are available in PDF format at our Toolkit
    home page:

    I look forward to our discussion!


    Stephen Ramsay
    Senior Programmer
    Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
    Alderman Library, University of Virginia
    phone: (434) 924-6011

    "By ratiocination, I mean computation" -- Hobbes

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