Re [17]:

From: Laurel Gagnon <>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 18:56:57 -0400

Just let them look under the lawnmower, kiddo. Sites in 1824 ""Yeah,裨he kid said, and pushed the shopping cart along a little faster.

Both lines blurred smudgily in the direction his thumb was travelling, the pencil-line slightly more than the one he had drawn with the pen. "Don't let your eyes waver. WE KNOW! So I prayed. Three of the dead were children. His face was a square of granite with a few narrow lines carved into it at the eyes and the corners of the mouth. By the time their trash was stashed in the big drum with KEEP YOUR BEACH CLEAN stencilled on the s ide, Paulie's beach-toys picked up (that's my name Paulie I'm Paulie and tonight ma'll put Johnson's Baby Oil on my sunburn he thought inside the thunderhead where he now lived) and the blanket folded again, the piling had almost wholly reappeared, its blackish, slime-smoothed sides surrounded by sudsy scuds of foam. He's about

Received on Wed Mar 01 2006 - 02:04:31 EST

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