choral call

From: Kurtis Pierce <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 03:22:12 -0500 (EST)

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No one talks about t much, but it's there. You're not going anywhere, Paul. Let there be light (even of the hazy variety), and the light was good, and so on and so on? Annie paused at the door and looked back at Paul, who shrieked and writhed in the charred and blood-soaked bed, his face a deathly fading white. It would not do to forget the simple fact that he was risking his life every time he left his room. After awhile — after his alarm had become too great to be ignored — he was able to find out what she was feeding him. And of all she had done to him, this resignation was surely a symptom of the worst — she had turned him into a pain-racked animal with no moral options at all.AW! "Geeeee-yahhh! Turned the page, and here was the first obit, cut from the Rocky Mountain News. "She just died. "She stopped, not turning around.

You were the tough young gunsel looking to make a rep off the tired old turd of a sheriff, right? The fifth victim, Irving Thalman, 58, was a bachelor who lived on the top floor of the building. The clipping from the January 14th Camera showed her blank, stonelike face rendered in newsprint dots below a headline which read: NEW HEAD MATERNITY WARD NURSE NAMED. "He could see the courtroom in Denver, could see Annie Wilkes on the stand, not wearing jeans now but a rusty purple-black dress and an awful hat. "She was looking at him with that disconcerting expression of matemal love and tenderness — disconcerting because of the total solid blackness underlying it. "He lay back, put his arm over his eyes, and tried to hold onto the anger, because the anger made him feel brave. Whatever you called the stuff, however, there were enough torches in there to get the whole village afire — it would burn like a Guy Fawkes dummy, Geoffrey thought. He laid the top sheet over his penis, hoping to create a crude filter, and urinated through it into his cupped and shaking hands. "I've got yogurt and a nice boiled egg for you, and then it will be time for you to begin. Paul knew that even an exhaustive analysis would turn up precious few traces of blood — his car had spent most of the spring with snowmelt running through it at flood-speed. When the playwright got his hero into an impossible jam, this chair decked with flowers came down from overhead. Waited for his unseen chest to go up again on its own, as it had been doing his whole life without any help from him. She did not want to hear about his concordance and indices because to her Misery and the characters surrounding her were perfectly real. "The climate inside her, he had come to discover, was like springtime in the Midwest. Although Ian Carmichael would not have moved from Little Dunthorpe for all the jewels in the Queen's treasury, he had to admit to himself that when it rained in Cornwall it rained harder than anywhere else in England. The only two he'd ever heard out here, other than Old Bessie, had been El Rancho Grande's Bel Air and the car which had scared the life out of him passing the house on the first occasion he had escaped his "guest-room". He took three fast mouthfuls, the pores on the and plain of his tongue widening and clamoring at the shock of the water, some of it spilling down his chin and onto the tee-shirt he wore, and then she drew it away from him. Some part of her mind must already have had this gruesome thought and suppressed it, for she needed no explanation at all. "By the sound o»ye coat a-drippin»out there in the entry, ye nairly drowned between the sheds and the hoose! The first time I was in so much pain that it felt like someone had put me into hell from the knees on down. "Wicks paused for a moment, wanting to better express how it had been, the conflicting emotions he had felt — horror and pity and sorrow and disgust — most of all wonder that a man who looked this bad should still be alive. He held on, and now he was lying squarely on top of her like a man who means to commit rape, his face almost on hers; his right hand groped, knowing exactly what it was looking for.

Received on Sat Dec 30 2006 - 03:39:30 EST

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