Give me an update

From: branda castillo <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 07:34:56 -0100
The houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as through a window. In spite of these perplexities Rob passed the second night of his uneven flight in profound slumber, being exhausted by the strain and excitement he had undergone.
When he awoke at daybreak, he saw, to his profound delight, that he was approaching land. The rising sun found him passing over a big city, which he knew to be Boston.
He did not stop. The machine was so little to be depended upon that he dared make no halt.
But he was obliged to alter the direction from northwest to west, and the result of this slight change was so great a reduction in speed that it was mid-day before he saw beneath him the familiar village in which he lived. Carefully marking the location of his father's house, he came to a stop directly over it, and a few moments later he managed to land upon the exact spot in the back yard whence he had taken his first successful flight.
7. The Demon Becomes Angry When Rob had been hugged and kissed by his mother and sisters, and even Mr.
Joslyn had embraced him warmly, he gave them a brief account of his adventures. The story was received with many doubtful looks and much grave shaking of heads, as was quite natural under the circumstances.
I hope, my dear son, said the father, that you have now passed through enough dangers to last you a lifetime, so that hereafter you will be contented to remain at home.

Received on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 07:57:34 EST

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