You can stick to a diet or ……. to Anatrim.

From: Daniel Zipay <>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2006 17:31:60 -0600
If you are overweight, it doesn’t mean that you have to love yourself the way you are. You can change yourself with Anatrim.


This brought back to his mind the only bitter word he had spoken throughout the endless day. Nathaniel had said as an excuse for his haste (Jehiel insisted on his leaving that night), You see, mother, its really a service to Uncle Jehiel, since hes got nobody to keep house for him. He
He slept hardly at all that night, waking with great starts, and imagining himself in strange foreign places, and then recognizing with a scornful familiarity the worn old pieces of furniture in his room. He noticed at these times that it was very cold, and lifelong habit made him reflect that he would better go early to the church because it would be hard to get up steam enough to warm the building before time for service. After he had finished his morning chores and was about to start he noticed that the thermometer stood at four above zero.
helped him, not the meaning; [3] and so, at last, when he learned that the
the assistance of the reader -- though in the original there are no Received on Fri Dec 01 2006 - 18:42:06 EST

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