Fwd: ?

From: Charlie Kelley <CarpenterpRickcologne_at_skinenergizer.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 18:09:01 -0100

He remembered the caption below the picture of Annie in her detainment cell, the picture taken in the caesura between the end of the trial and the return of the jury. This neat and tidy structure with its dark-red paint and neat cream-colored trim looked like the five-car garage of a well-to-do country squire masquerading as a barn. This neat and tidy structure with its dark-red paint and neat cream-colored trim looked like the five-car garage of a well-to-do country squire masquerading as a barn. The clipping from the January 14th Camera showed her blank, stonelike face rendered in newsprint dots below a headline which read: NEW HEAD MATERNITY WARD NURSE NAMED.

Received on Thu Nov 30 2006 - 12:10:04 EST

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