Re: More

From: Willie Lewis <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 18:37:04 -0500 (EST)

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please. Her eyes were dull. The idea of writing quietly and then sleeping with the knowledge that he was perfectly alone, that Annie was not going to burst in with some wild idea or even wilder demand, held great appeal, anticlimax or not. Aye, she were a great lady, and it is a turrible thing the way His Lordship's took on about it — "Aye, she was fine,»Geoffrey said gently, and found to his dismay that his own tears were now close, like a cloudburst which threatens on a late summer's afternoon. Annie was driven forward onto the floor with the burning stack of paper under her. A queer predestinate sense of failure filled his mind even before he got the handset to his ear and heard the nothing. At some point the laughter turned to horrible dry sobs that awoke pain even in what remained of his left thumb, and when that happened he was finally able to stop.So it's that same old game again, isn't it? He began to think of the pitcher of water she had dashed away. "Yes,»he said. There was red stuff around her mouth and on her chin. Or an accident?

What he needed to prop him up were not those shitty sticks but his make-believe games and stories. No long, muddled nights spent bar-hopping, followed by long, muddled days spent drinking coffee and orange juice and gobbling vitamin-B tablets (days when if his glance so much as happened upon his typewriter, he would turn away, shuddering). Police theorized that Pomeroy might actually have been killed near Highway 9 and washed into the Wildlife Preserve during the spring run-off. He was drifting off and knew he shouldn't — if she came in here and caught him cooping instead of writing she would be mad — but he let himself drift anyway. Annie watched him for a long time, her heavy face unsmiling, moveless, but somehow satisfied. Let me tell you, Paul — I've stretched thread and strands of hair from my own head all over this house and have found many of them snapped later on. He had just a moment to wonder if she might not have put a bolt on the outside of the door as well — he had tried very hard to seem weaker and sicker than he now really felt, but the suspicions of the true paranoiac spread wide and ran deep. "She reached the side of the bed, bumped it, wavered and for a moment seemed on the verge of falling on top of him. There was a feeling about her of clots and roadblocks rather than welcoming orifices or even open spaces, areas of hiatus. He could see their shadows lying like construction-paper cutouts on the snow, but that was all. There was a Kreig lock on the pantry door now, and a bolt on the bulkhead almost as thick as his wrist. One was suspending something (the typewriter came immediately to mind) over the door so she would be killed or knocked unconscious when she came in. He turned, heart hammering, brains squeezing at his temples, and Annie was there, all right, the axe upraised, but only for a second. So his feeling that she was like an idol in a perfervid novel was not really surprising at all. It was the DIVORCES GRANTED column from the Nederland paper, but he had to turn it over to make sure that Annie and Ralph were a part of it. Not great, and there were plenty of details still to be worked out, but it looked okay. Hikers had found the mutilated and partly dismembered remains of a young man in the eastern section of Grider Wildlife Preserve. Impossible to tell what they were, of course, but in his imagination (your MIND your CREATIVITY that is all I meant) he could see her pushing bales of hay out of the loft with the heel of her boot, could see them tumbling to the barn floor. So far all speculation centered on three illegal substances: moonshine, marijuana, and cocaine. t be long, either, although it may seem longer to you than it really is — when it hurts a little less. A queer predestinate sense of failure filled his mind even before he got the handset to his ear and heard the nothing. He remembered the way the living room had looked, with sugar-glazed dishes everywhere

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