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Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 13:21:08 +0200
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dismal German system of piling jumbled compounds together. I wish to submitthem ought to have been killed. They are compound words with the hyphens His sister had died the year after she had given him the double text, and his father the year after that. He was left thus, the sole support of his ailing mother, who transferred to the silent, sullen boy the irresistible rule of complaining weakness with which she had governed his father. it was thought she could not live long, and the boy stood in terror of a sudden death brought on by displeasure at some act of his. In the end, however, she died quietly in her bed, an old woman of seventy-three, nursed by her daughter-in-law, the widow of Jehiels only brother. Her place in the house was taken by Jehiels sister-in-law, a sickly, helpless woman, alone in the world except for Jehiel, and all the neighbors congratulated him on having a housekeeper ready to his hand. He said nothing. To continue with the German genders: a tree is male, its buds arefemale, its leaves are neuter; horses are sexless, dogs are male, cats arefemale -- tomcats included, of course; a persons mouth, neck, bosom,elbows, fingers, nails, feet, and body are of the male sex, and his head ismale or neuter according to the word selected to signify it, and NOT Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 06:34:44 EST

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