readiness yo

From: James Schwartz <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:59:10 +0200

I wish I could share this mood with everyone. When I wear a skirt with heels my legs look a lot longer and slimer he was making fun of me saying I was going from a dwarf to an elfsorrowafterglow: ha ha.
Trying to be ruthless as this intstallment of my grant which is supposed to last till christmas is fast running out and i doubt it will last till then.
and did Aurora pose for this artist?
Lastozki is goroda uleteli davnim davno- a teper slizno kak otkuda to sverhu donosjatsa golosa ulepetivajuzih gusej. Ja potihonku ezu na mazine, to est uzus esdit-pogoda ne osobo raspolagaet k obuzeniju- to dozd- to listva- poka ne isbavilas ot straha sbit derevo ili sadavit kogo-nibud.
I will ALWAYS be her friend. I will ALWAYS be her friend.
Below are a few picture of recent ebay buys.
Anyway, at the time I believed that her sister painted these pictures that Aurora seemingly posed for.
Go ahead and google her.
I wanted to get the polka dot blue version when i was in Bristol but i ran out of money but i prefer this one anyway.
and did Aurora pose for this artist?
But also, if I may be so bold as to ask, say a little prayer or spare an extra thought for those who have passed from this life.
Kotorij ne ujdet, poka mi ego kormim.
The following paintings she shared were quite amazing pieces of artwork. It happened to me last night. Skoro sovsem ne budet peredizki ot dozdej i pasmurnih dnej. Tak potihonku nakrivaet naz malenkij gorod v serdze Germanii prosraznoj pautinoj osen.
What do you have to hold on to when all you left is the emptiness of time that never moves?
The animals on the tote bag are different but just as cute.
It happened to me last night. Others may remember seeing it as well perhaps?
sorrowafterglow: not at all.
I just want you to start being more open and honest. but not each individually all of the time.
She used this for a short period of time around March I think.
I would do anything for her.
sorrowafterglow: not at all. Do you think us so gullible and stupid that we believe in everything that we hear?
it came with many results. But I want you to know, Aurora, that I am your friend and will always be your friend.

Received on Tue Oct 31 2006 - 07:59:34 EST

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