grumble insensitive

From: Oliver Sherman <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 21:57:43 -0400

We have to define ways of organizing the QA IG and support the QA IG objectives.
We published it quickly. I have free time on Friday!
We will push the requirements interview phase and decide where to head from there. I have free time on Friday! The pronoun "I" is usually omitted in the original, which makes it hard to understand for e.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use the power of Language negotiation on the whole site, without any usability issue?
The new draft will be posted to QA IG mailing-list for comments. At the time of the publication, it was mentionned that a schema could be useful to help implementers to use it in their tools.
It should be done in coordination with one or two Working Groups and in the context of a practical use. Although finding a design company that will construct a standards compliant site is more difficult than just finding a web designer, the benefits speak for themselves.
The WASP is now interested in developing a kind of curriculum framework to help lecturers into their teaching.
Once the document has reached maturity, we might publish it as a QA Finding, probably on the QA Weblog.
When you are dealing with a supplier, a provider, you need absolutely to get a product of quality. For example, at school, when you teach grammar to children. However, as we will see soon, this analogy is too poor to describe everything a URI actually is. Although finding a design company that will construct a standards compliant site is more difficult than just finding a web designer, the benefits speak for themselves. Having a summary of all discussions which have been done for this specific topic would be very useful and could serve as a QA Findings. Having a summary of all discussions which have been done for this specific topic would be very useful and could serve as a QA Findings.
A URI refers to a resource, but the resource is not one file on one web server.
The public output has been in the forms of interviews. It could be for example an image of someone making the gesture and big eyes. Should my Business Website be Compliant? It is definitely clear that is not the job of the QA IG to fix this document, but XML Core WG role.
And, there will be shifts and changes.
An requirement don't have to be testable to be normative, but life become much harder if non testable normative requirements are provided in a specification. We will start with one implementation and invite other people to contribute their own schema to be added to the document in appendix. Tools are developer by volunteers, mostly in Europe.

Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 21:57:41 EDT

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