Re: nuoam

From: Tuye Schlager <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:31:56 -0700

He bit his lip and shook his head.
sealed, guarded, patrolled, watched, locked tight, quarantined - take
They are.
had found the artifact so our mission was accomplished. The fact that
shrugged him off. Jim, he said. The bunch of us are going to stroll
To stay alive of course. Twenty-two days more before my curtain fell
Closed and sealed it as the tiny motor buzzed and dragged me up to
breakfast and some clean clothes waiting for you. Theyll be ready
you to get down so I could blast the Commander as well as anyone else
clinked among the coins I stopped. Opened my attach) case and dragged
could feel myself blushing. All in all I think it was an experience

Received on Mon Aug 14 2006 - 14:33:36 EDT

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