███ 兩岸直航 ███

From: ███ English 嗆 聲 ███ <books_at_asusq.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:31:27 +0800
寄件人:███ English 嗆 聲 ███ <service@english21.us> 主旨:███ 兩岸直航 ███ English怎麼說?

  主題 :

Direct Cross-Strait Flights 兩岸直航

  例句 :

Most Taiwanese people expect direct cross-strait flights to be launched as soon as possible.

感想 :

At the moment, there are no direct flights between Taiwan and the mainland.  As a result, millions of Taiwanese businesspeople have to fly first to Hong Kong or Macau and then get a connecting flight to China.

Every year, billions of dollars are wasted on connecting flights to the mainland.  In addition, business travelers waste their time taking cumbersome routes.  Why should a flight from Taipei to Shanghai cost NT$15,000 and take 4 or 5 hours including the time one has to wait for the connecting flight?  The government should do something to facilitate the launching of direct cross-strait flights and stop the needless draining of our citizens' resources.
每年數以億計的金錢浪費在往大陸的轉機上。此外,商務旅客寶貴的時間更浪費在累贅的路線上。 為什麼我們從台北飛上海要花1萬5千元,連同轉機時間要花掉四、五個鐘頭呢? 政府真的應該站出來協助落實兩岸直航,並停止再無謂消耗百姓的資源。
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree


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Received on Wed Aug 09 2006 - 22:38:38 EDT

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