[adhoc] conference protocol and annex, annotated for review

From: John Unsworth <unsworth_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:43:14 -0500


you will find a comparative presentation of old and new versions of the
conference protocol and the conference annex at:


The protocol itself is in the top half of the frame, and the annex is
in the bottom half; May 2004 versions are on the right side, and March
2005 version are on the left side. Red text in the newer (left-hand)
versions will call to your attention changes specifically proposed by
Harold (which I agreed with) in our March meeting in London.

NB, the conference protocol has not had the same level of previous ALLC
review as did the governance protocol, so I would expect more
discussion on this one, in the coming two weeks, and I repeat my offer
to set up a conference call, if that would expedite the discussion.

Also, Julia: the Annex still lacks a sample call for papers and a
sample conference-planning timeline (under Appendices). If you can
send me something for those sections, I'll plug it in to the new



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