Publications Report

From: Geoffrey Rockwell (
Date: Mon Jun 07 2004 - 11:49:10 EDT

  • Next message: Elisabeth Burr: "Internationalism"

    Dear all,

    I have made a few corrections to the publications report and put it
    up as a PDF at:

    I'm not yet comfortable enough with IFDiSH to substitute that name
    in, but I defer to the will of the group.

    Lorna asked me to extract some principles for purposes of discussion.
    As I understand it, the idea was to have a shorter set of principles
    that help people understand the point. Here is my take on principles:

    1. There should be a joint publications committee that provides
    leadership to activities of the federation and which identifies
    opportunities for efficient collaboration.

    1.1 This committee would not replace or manage publication activities
    by the member organizations - it would coordinate them.

    1.2 Individual publication venues would continue to the owned by
    member organizations.

    1.3 The membership of this publication committee should be
    representative of the federated organizations and the linguistic
    diversity of our community.

    2. One immediate opportunity for cooperation is the creation of an
    online journal that is both about humanities computing and
    demonstrates the use of humanities computing techniques.

    2.1 Should the new contract for the LLC not meet the need for an
    online journal in the community, then the publications committee
    should proceed with a call for proposals to find a partner to develop

    3. Other activities that the publications committee could coordinate
    would be the establishment of a news engine, the promotion of CHWP as
    a place for working papers, exploring a way of sharing web services,
    and establishing a print series around humanities computing.

    3.1 In general the committee should develop ideas, take them to the
    federation for approval and then manage the startup by finding
    partners to take on the initiative and implement it. The committee
    should not run projects, at most it should review and report on
    existing projects, though that should also happen through the
    "owners" of projects.

    These did not, due to time, go to the publications committee. They
    are "informal" principles.


    Geoffrey R.

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