21.425 the Digital Humanities Observatory: appt of a Director; job for an IT Manager; postdoctoral positions

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 14:12:35 +0000

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 21, No. 425.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

         Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 14:03:00 +0000
         From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
         Subject: the Digital Humanities Observatory: appointment of
a Director; job advert for an IT Manager; postdoctoral positions

1. Appointment of a Director for the Digital
Humanities Observatory (DHO, http://www.dho.ie)

The following is quoted from the homepage of the DHO:

>The Royal Irish Academy is pleased to announce
>the appointment of Dr Susan Schreibman as the
>Director of the Digital Humanities Observatory
>(DHO). Dr Schreibman, one of the foremost
>authorities in the field of digital humanities,
>will join the Academy from the University of
>Maryland, where she is currently Assistant Dean
>and Head of Digital Collections and Research.
>She has also previously served as Director of
>the Maryland Institute for Technology in the
>Humanities (2001-04) and Professor of
>Professional and Technical Communication at the
>New Jersey Institute of Technology (2000-01).
>A distinguished and highly respected scholar, Dr
>Schreibman has an MA from the University of
>Pennsylvania in English and Creative Writing and
>an MA in Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama from
>University College Dublin (UCD). In 1997 she
>received her PhD from UCD for her doctoral
>thesis entitled: 'The Thomas MacGreevy
>Chronology: A Documentary Life, 1855-1934.' She
>was also the holder of a prestigious Newman
>Postdoctoral Fellowship (1997-2000), during
>which time she was the project manager of the
>Computer Science English Initiative (CoSEI). She
>is the editor of Collected Poems of Thomas
>MacGreevy: An Annotated Edition (1991) and
>co-editor of A Blackwell Companion to Digital
>Humanities (2004) and A Companion to Digital
>Literary Studies (2007). She is also the series
>co-editor of Topics in the Digital Humanities,
>which is published by the University of Illinois
>Press,and was the scriptwriter for Thomas
>MacGreevy: Kerry Writer, a documentary which
>aired on RTE television in June 1999.
>In many respects, Dr Schreibman has been a
>pioneer in the field of digital humanities,
>spearheading many significant initiatives
>throughout her career. She is the principle
>developer of The Versioning Machine
>a sophisticated software tool for displaying and
>comparing multiple versions of text according to
>the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines.
>As a tool for textual editors, The Versioning
>Machine takes advantage of the electronic
>publication of texts and allows editors to
>immediately see the consequences of their
>editorial decisions. In 1999, she was the
>founding editor and principle developer of Irish
>Resources in the Humanities
>(<http://www.irith.org/>), an
>innovative gateway to sites on the World Wide
>Web that contain substantial content in the
>various disciplines of the humanities in the
>area of Irish Studies. She is also the founding
>editor and project manager of The Thomas
>MacGreevy Archive
>which is a long-term inter-disciplinary research
>project that explores the life, writings and
>relationships of the Irish poet and critic,
>Thomas MacGreevy (1893-1967). Dr Schreibman
>currently sits on the Board of the Text Encoding
>Consortium, the Executive of the Association of
>Computers in the Humanities, and Modern Language
>Association's Committee on Information Technology.

2. The DHO

The DHO is initially a 3-year project funded by a
grant of 3.5M Euro, described as "a sophisticated
web-based humanities resource, designed and
managed by the Academy, which will store,
preserve and provide access to the increasingly
complex range of e-resources now being created in
the humanities." It is part of a larger
government programme, Humanities Serving Irish Society:

>Funded under cycle four of the Programme of
>Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI),
>the Humanities Serving Irish Society (HSIS)
>initiative is a partnership of equals committed
>to developing an inter-institutional research
>infrastructure for the humanities. Consisting of
>the Royal Irish Academy, six of the seven Irish
>universities, Queen's University, Belfast and
>the University of Ulster, the HSIS consortium
>will build a joint national platform for the
>coordination and dissemination of humanities
>research, teaching and training at an all-island
>level. In recognition of its unique
>multi-institutional membership and all-Ireland
>remit and experience, it was agreed that the
>Academy would act as the central coordinator of
>this new research infrastructure.
>The centerpiece of the HSIS collaboration will
>be the establishment of the Digital Humanities
>Observatory (DHO), a sophisticated web-based
>humanities resource, which will store, preserve
>and provide access to the increasingly complex
>range of e-resources now being created in the
>humanities. The DHO will work to ensure a set of
>common standards based on best international
>practice to enable the fullest exploitation of
>existing national research collections and data
>repositories. In doing so, the DHO will be
>filling a critical gap in Ireland's humanities
>research infrastructure, as identified by a
>wide-range of policy documents and reviews
>including the Academy's report: Advancing
>Humanities and Social Science Research in
>Ireland. The DHO will also incorporate a strong
>teaching a learning aspect by contributing
>seminars to a HSIS bi-semestrial postgraduate
>seminar series as well as organising its own
>annual standards seminars and technical workshops.

3. Job advert for an IT Manager (closing date 25 January)

>Applications are invited for a 3-year fixed term
>contract position of IT Manager to the DHO.
>Funded under Cycle 4 of PRTLI, RIA and its partners will build a
>joint national platform for the coordination and
>dissemination of humanities research, teaching
>and training at an all-island level.The key infrastructural element of
>the consortium will be the DHO. The DHO will be
>an electronic access portal and research
>resource for the humanities, designed, hosted and operated by the RIA.
>Reporting to the DHO Director, the IT Manager will be responsible for:
>-- the development, implementation, management
>and maintenance of web applications, software
>and hardware systems for the ADR and the DHO portal/repository
>-- the development of strategies to ensure the
>long-term preservation of the DHO's digitised content
>-- provision of technical foresight for the DHO and ADR
>-- day-to-day management of the IT function of the DHO.
>The IT Manager will have a third-level degree or
>equivalent in a relevant IT discipline and a
>minimum of five years experience in an information systems role.
>Previous project management experience is
>essential and staff management experience is
>highly desirable. A salary ranging from Euro 63,099 - Euro 73,304 per annum
>will be offered.

Further particulars are to be found at http://www.dho.ie/vacancies.html.

4. Postdoctoral researchers

>The ADR, funded by PRTLI 4, will develop
>electronic editions of significant textual and
>audio resources held in the Academy. It is closely linked to the DHO, and
>is part of the Humanities Serving Irish Society
>(HSIS) initiative, an all-Ireland platform for
>research and postgraduate training.
>The RIA now invites applications for ... ADR Postdoctoral Researchers...

Further particulars at http://www.dho.ie/documents/DHO_Vacancies_Dec_2007.pdf.

Willard McCarty | Professor of Humanities
Computing | Centre for Computing in the
Humanities | King's College London |
http://staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/~wmccarty/. Et sic in infinitum (Fludd 1617, p. 26).
Received on Tue Dec 18 2007 - 09:21:17 EST

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