17.711 New Technologies and Renaissance Studies at the RSA

From: Willard McCarty (willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 04:12:01 EST

                 Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 711.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

*New Technologies and Renaissance Studies*

Special Sessions at the 2004 Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America
Thursday and Friday, April 1-2, 2004
Grand Hyatt Hotel (42nd Street), New York, NY

For the fourth consecutive year, the RSA program will feature a number of
sessions that document innovative ways in which computing technology is
being incorporated into the scholarly activity of our community. This
year's contributions follow this interest across several key projects
(among them the Internet Shakespeare Editions, the Rulers of Venice,
WorldArts, and the EEBO Text Creation Partnership), through a number of
thematic touchstones (scholarly editing, document encoding,
computer-assisted analysis, and access), and in several emerging areas of
inquiry (active reading, teaching with DVD technology, and beyond). This
year's sessions are outlined below.

We invite you to join us and, also, to be in touch with the organisers
(before April 30, 2004) if you are interested in being involved in similar
sessions at the RSA 2005 meeting, April 7-9 in Cambridge, UK.


- William R. Bowen (U Toronto; Chair of Electronic Media, RSA),
- Raymond G. Siemens (Malaspina U-C), siemensr@mala.bc.ca

* Thursday, April 01, 2004: Graduate Centre, CUNY, Rm C205

- 8:45-10:15: The Influence of New Technologies on Renaissance Studies
   Chairs: William R. Bowen, Victoria College (U Toronto),
           Ray Siemens (Malaspina U-C)
     This session explores important trends of the past, current, and
     future influence of new technologies on Renaissance studies. Brief
     presentations by panelists who have carried out exemplary work
     integrating computing with disciplinary practice, will be followed
     by a respondent's comments and panel- and seminar-style discussion.
   Presenters: Richard Cunningham (Acadia U), Ichiro Fujinaga (McGill U),
     David Gants (U New Brunswick), Eileen Gardner (ACLS, Italica Press
     Inc.), Peter Lukehart (National Gallery), Ronald G. Musto (ACLS,
     Italica Press Inc.), and Susan Forscher Weiss (Peabody Institute,
     Johns Hopkins U).

- 10:30-12:00: The Database and the Archive: Rulers of Venice 1300-1524
   Chair & Respondent: Benjamin G. Kohl (Vassar C)
   - Monique E. O'Connell (Stanford U): Administrators of Empire: A Collective
   - Andrea Mozzato (U Venice): Problems and Possibilies of Constructing a
     Research Database: The Venetian Case
   - Claudia Salmini (Archivio di Stato di Venezia): The Evolution of a
     Historical and Research Perspectives

- 1:45-3:15: Literary Text Encoding and Analysis of Italian and English Works
   Chair: Patrick Finn (St. Mary's C)
   - Sergio Bozzola (U Padova): The Archivio Metrico Italiano (AMI) and the
     Methodological Implications of New Computerized Research on the Study
     of Sixteenth-Century Poetry
   - Barbara Bond (U Victoria): A Moving Target: The Challenge of Representing
     the Shifting Situations of Early Modern Scribal Practice
   - Stephanie F. Thomas (Sheffield Hallam U): Active Reading: Designing a
     for Analyzing Variants in King Lear

- 3:30-5:00: Applications for Teaching and Research
   Chair: Matthew Steggle (Sheffield Hallam U)
   - Marc S. Geisler (Western Washington U): Appropriating the 'Hollywood' DVD
     Interface for the Classroom
   - Richard Cunningham and Jessica Slights (Acadia U): Renaissance Studies
     The Humanities Hypermedia Centre @ Acadia University
   - Winnie Chan (U Virginia): Les Trois Riches Heures de Douglas H.
Gordon: The
     Gordon Collection's Three Books of Hours in a Digital Context

* Friday, April 02, 2004: Graduate Centre, CUNY, Rm C205

- 8:45-10:15: Early Music, Hypertext, and Image
   Chair: Richard Cunningham (Acadia U)
   - Danielle Trudeau (San Jose State U): A Copyright-Cleared Image
Resource for
     Renaissance Studies, worldart.sjsu.edu
   - Susan Forscher Weiss (Peabody Institute) and Ichiro Fujinaga (McGill
U): From
     Manuscript to Printing Press to Computer Chip: Studying Early Music in
     Format (or into the 21st Century)
   - John Ottenhoff (Alma C): Hypertext, Intertext, Useful Text? Anne Lock
and Psalm
     51: An Experiment in Intertextuality

- 10:30-12:00: Electronic Publication
   Chair: William R. Bowen (U Toronto)
   - Matthew Steggle (Sheffield Hallam U): Early Modern Literary Studies
and the
     Stigma of Print
   - Shawn Jeremy Martin (U Michigan, EEBO-TCP): The Early English Books
Online -
     Text Creation Partnership (EEBOBTCP): A New Model for Private/Public
     Cooperation and an Invaluable Resource for Early Modern Scholarship

- 1:45-3:15: Electronic Editions and Studies I, Shakespeare
   Chair: Raymond G. Siemens (Malaspina U-C)
   - Michael Best (U Victoria): 'Visibly Charactered': Binary objects as
Text in
     the Internet Shakespeare Editions
   - Jonathan Hope (Strathclyde U) and Michael Witmore (Carnegie Mellon U):
     The Very Large Textual Object II: Computing Shakespeare's Genres

- 3:30-5:00: Electronic Editions and Studies II, Shakespeare and Herbert
   Chair: Barbara Bond, University of Victoria
   - Patrick Finn (St. Mary's C): Shakespeare 2.0: or, 'An Editor, A
Theorist and a
     Programmer Walk Into a Bard...'
   - Robert Whalen (Northern Michigan U): Building the Electronic Temple


R.G. Siemens
English, Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. V9R 5S5.
Office: 335/120. Phone: (250)753-3245, x2046. Fax: (250) 740-6459.
siemensr@mala.bc.ca http://purl.oclc.org/NET/R_G_Siemens.htm

           [Note: If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours please resend.]
Dr Willard McCarty | Senior Lecturer | Centre for Computing in the
Humanities | King's College London | Strand | London WC2R 2LS || +44 (0)20
7848-2784 fax: -2980 || willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk

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