17.398 new on WWW: Dante's works &c; DigiCULT 5

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 04:03:00 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 398.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: Elena Pierazzo <pierazzo@ital.unipi.it> (44)
             Subject: Dante's works and other linguistic and literary
                     resources and tools from Pisa University

       [2] From: "Seamus Ross, Director HATII" (56)
             Subject: DigiCULT 5 October 2003

             Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 08:47:43 +0000
             From: Elena Pierazzo <pierazzo@ital.unipi.it>
             Subject: Dante's works and other linguistic and literary resources
    and tools from Pisa University

    This is to announce that The Humanities Computing research group
    co-ordinated by Professor Mirko Tavoni at Pisa University has just released
    the preliminary results of various research projects currently in progress.

    The results have been published on a dedicated web site
    (http://dante.di.unipi.it/ricerca/), where some of the research tools used
    in these projects can also be accessed.

    The aim of the main project was the production of the lemmatized and
    grammatically marked up corpus of Dante Alighieri's complete vernacular and
    Latin works. Other projects concern:

    * Italian literatures authors’ letters
    * Digital editions of librettos
    * Pisa and Ferrara's texts
    * Speech corpora
    * Pinocchio Game: the experience of a group of PhD students in Italian
    Studies based on and fitting the principles of Jerome McGann's Ivanhoe Game.

    All texts are XML-TEI encoded and available both for consulting (many of
    them as hypertexts) and linguistic querying. The user interface for
    managing and querying the texts is also optimized for the same encoding
    language. Querying is performed through the XCDE Search Engine, a tool
    developed at Pisa University by Professor Paolo Ferragina

    Both the texts and the tools (search engine and interface) in the web site
    are open source and freely available for scholarly and non-commercial purposes.

    The site is also offered as a public resource and open laboratory for
    linguistic research. The laboratory, indeed, allows scholars interested in
    linguistic research to send their own XML-TEI encoded texts for processing
    by the XCDE search engine. Scholars are also free to eventually restrict
    text access to a specific group of users.

    These research projects are being carried out in the framework of the
    research activities of the Dept. of Italian Studies
    (http://www.humnet.unipi.it/ital/ ) and the advanced teaching activities of
    the Degree course in Humanities Computing (http://infouma.di.unipi.it).

      From the same web site it is also possible to access “Italian NLP”, a
    collection of on-line tools for the Natural Language Processing of Italian
    texts (http://foxdrake.ilc.cnr.it/webtools), developed by ILC- CNR
    (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa) in collaboration with the
    Dept. of Linguistics (Computational Linguistics Section) of the Pisa
    University. The tools allow users to perform various levels of text
    processing, such as tokenization, lemmatization and morphological analysis,
    shallow parsing (chunking), dependency parsing, etc.

    For further information, please write to: ricercalinguistica@humnet.unipi.it.

    Elena Pierazzo
    Research Group Assistant
    Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Studi Italianistici

             Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 08:46:28 +0000
             From: "Seamus Ross, Director HATII" <s.ross@HATII.ARTS.GLA.AC.UK>
             Subject: DigiCULT 5 October 2003

    Issue 5 - A Newsletter on Digital Culture
    October 2003, ISSN 1609-3941

    Please welcome to the next edition in a series of e-journals from DigiCULT
    Heritage Informatics continues to emerge as an exciting area for both the
    application of new technologies and as a source for research challenges
    that promote innovative technological developments.


    An extra day in Berlin after IFLA2003 provided an opportunity to visit the
    Museumsinsel, one of the finest museum complexes in the world. Currently
    many of its buildings are undergoing extensive renovations. As on my right
    I passed the reopened Alte Nationalgalerie I noticed one of the buildings
    currently wrapped for restoration was covered by a massive poster. In the
    words Weltkultur beflügelt (world culture gives wings) it asks all who pass
    to consider the liberating power of the cultural heritage. Articles in this
    issue of DigiCULT.Info all show the power of new technologies in helping
    cultural heritage institutions in achieving their objective of improving
    the care, understanding and benefits of cultural heritage to individuals
    and society. Reflecting on the phrase Weltkultur beflügelt, we are reminded
    that technology is an enabler and not an end in itself.
    Seamus Ross


    Download DigiCULT.Info Issue 5
    ( Link - 1.3 MB)

    DigiCULT Publications offer a valuable resource of mission-critical
    information in the selection and use of digital technologies for Europe's
    heritage organisations:
    - Thematic Issues: results of themed expert fora
    - DigiCULT Technology Watch Reports: in-depth technology evaluation
    - DigiCULT.Info Newsletter: articles about services, studies, technologies,
    and activities
    - DigiCULT Website: info, events, links, all publications online for
    download [more...]

    Comment on the Technology Watch Briefings: Each briefing for the upcoming
    DigiCULT Technology Watch Reports are made available for comment online.
    The first draft of the latest briefings The XML Family of Technologies,
    Technologies and New Socio-economic Business Models, and Collaboration and
    Virtual Communities are online. Comments and suggestions to be implemented
    in the final draft are cordially invited. [more...]

    Subscribe to the Newsletter DigiCULT.Info /
    Read and comment on the Technology Watch Briefings /
    Submit an Event / http://www.digicult.info/pages/addevent.php

    (c) DigiCULT Forum 2003 / <http://www.digicult.info/>http://www.digicult.info/

    Dr Seamus Ross
    Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII)
    Director ERPANET
    George Service House
    11 University Gardens
    University of Glasgow
    Glasgow, G12 9QQ

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