17.264 conferences

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 03:46:18 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 264.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: Susan Hockey <s.hockey@ucl.ac.uk> (31)
             Subject: Reminder: ISKO call for papers - deadline approaching

       [2] From: j.corral@estia.fr (15)
             Subject: VIRTUAL RETROSPECT 2003: Virtual Reality related to
                     the archeology and the heritage enhancement

       [3] From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com> (43)
             Subject: CFP: Museums and the Web 2004, Sept. 30 Deadline

       [4] From: "ICECCS 2004" <iceccs@mandrake.dsi.unifi.it> (51)
             Subject: CFP: IEEE Int. Conference on Complex Computer Sys,
                     ICECCS 2004, Florence

       [5] From: amalfi2004@rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu (32)
             Subject: Invitation to SSCCII-2004 in Amalfi, Italy, 29.1.-

       [6] From: "Alexander Gelbukh" <gelbukh@cic.ipn.mx> (22)
             Subject: CFP: CICLing 2004 (Computational Linguistics) news:
                     Speech Processing keynote speaker; late submissions

             Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:38:16 +0100
             From: Susan Hockey <s.hockey@ucl.ac.uk>
             Subject: Reminder: ISKO call for papers - deadline approaching

    Eighth International ISKO Conference

    Call for papers

    The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) will hold its
    8th International ISKO Conference (ISKO 8) in London, England, July
    13th-16th 2004. The conference will be hosted by the School of Library,
    Archive and Information Studies at University College London, Gower Street,
    London WC1E 6BT. The theme of the conference is:

    Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society

    The keynote address will be delivered by Clifford Lynch, Executive
    Director, Coalition for
    Networked Information.

    Papers addressing Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society
    from any of the following interrelated perspectives are invited:

    · Global Users and uses of Knowledge Organization
    · Theories of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization: feasibility of
    universal solutions
    · Linguistic and cultural approaches to Knowledge Organization:
    cross-cultural, cross-language and multilingual information retrieval
    · Information Policies, Management, Interoperability and Maintenance
    of Information Systems
    · Knowledge Organization in corporate information systems
    · Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation
    · Knowledge Organization of Universal and Special Systems
    · Knowledge Organization of non-print information: sound, image,
    multimedia &c.

    Academics, practitioners and researchers involved in knowledge organization
    are invited to submit abstracts of between 1500 and 2000 words by September
    30th 2003 to Professor I.C. McIlwaine, Programme Chair (see contact
    information below). Abstracts should reflect the theme of the conference
    and each should indicate into which of the above categories it falls.

    [material deleted]

             Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:39:40 +0100
             From: j.corral@estia.fr
             Subject: VIRTUAL RETROSPECT 2003: Virtual Reality related to the
    archeology and the heritage enhancement

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    VIRTUAL CONCEPT 2003 is glad to welcome the 1st edition of VIRTUAL
    RETROSPECT which will take place on November 6th and 7th in the "Espace
    Bellevue" Casino in Biarritz (France).
       VIRTUAL RETROSPECT 2003: Virtual Reality related to the archeology and the
    heritage enhancement.

    Please find further information on VIRTUAL CONCEPT website:

    Moreover, we are pleased to invite you on November 6th in the afternoon to
    the CO2 workshop.

    Best regards,

    José-Louis CORRAL
    Technopole IZARBEL 64210 BIDART
    tel: fax:

             Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:40:21 +0100
             From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com>
             Subject: CFP: Museums and the Web 2004, Sept. 30 Deadline

              Museums and the Web 2004
              Washington DC / Arlington VA, USA
              March 31 - April 3, 2004

    Reminder Proposal Deadline
    The deadline for the Call for Proposals for Museums and the Web 2004 is
    September 30., 2003.

    We're accepting proposals for all aspects of the MW2004 program: papers,
    professional forums, mini-workshops, demonstrations (of web sites by Museum
    staff), on-line activities, and pre-conference workshops.

    Make your proposal using our on-line form at

    Peer Review
    All proposals will be reviewed the the MW2004 Program Committee.

    Papers presented at MW2004 are subject to Peer Review. Edited papers will
    be published on the Web, and a selected group will also appear in print

    Need More Information?
    Download the full Call for Participation from

    Full details about MW2004 are on-line at http://www.archimuse.com/mw2004/

    Past papers presented at the previous seven Museums and the Web meetings
    are available on the web, linked from

    Join Us!
    MW2004 is the largest international gathering of cultural webmasters
    anywhere. If you are involved in any part of the process of making,
    delivering, or using culture and heritage on-line, this is the event for you.

    We hope to see you this spring.

    jennifer and David

    Museums and the Web             Archives & Museum Informatics
    Co-Chairs:                      158 Lee Avenue
    David Bearman and Jennifer Trant        Toronto, Ontario
    http://www.archimuse.com/mw.html        Canada
    phone +1 416 691 2516 / fax +1 416 352-6025 / email: info@archimuse.com

    --[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:41:11 +0100 From: "ICECCS 2004" <iceccs@mandrake.dsi.unifi.it> Subject: CFP: IEEE Int. Conference on Complex Computer Sys, ICECCS 2004, Florence

    CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, IEEE ICECCS, Florence, Italy, 14-16 April, 2004 http://www.dsi.unifi.it/iceccs04

    ICECCS-2004 Theme: Navigating Complexity in the e-Engineering Age As society increasingly depends on software, the size and complexity of software systems continues to grow making them more difficult to understand and evolve. Manifold dependencies between critical elements of software now drive software architectures and increasingly influence the system architecture Complexity of software systems has grown significantly, pervading several key application areas including Manufacturing, Communications, Transportation, Internet, Mobile, Healthcare, Aerospace, and Energy. These systems are frequently distributed over heterogeneous networks, recently involving Internet and Intranet technologies. Inundated by temporal constraints, boundless functionalities, complex algorithms, distributed and mobile architectures, security constraints, reliability, high performance, interoperability, and the like, these complexities are further weighing down development and evolution of today's software systems and ultimately the organizations they serve. To cope with complexity, software systems are modeled or specified using multi-paradigm approaches and require instruments and tools to visualize and understand. Whether traditional, formal models or more innovative approaches are employed; these solutions are at the frontier of the software engineering. The goal of this conference is to bring together industrial, academic and government experts, from a variety of user domain and software disciplines, to examine key complexity problems and effective solution techniques. Researchers, practitioners, tool developers and users, and technology transition experts are all welcome. The scope of the interest includes long-term research, near-term complex system requirements and promising tools, existing systems, and commercially available tools. Topic Areas: Papers are solicited in all areas related to complex computer-based systems, including the causes of complexity and means of avoiding, controlling, or coping with complexity. Topic areas includes, but are not limited to: * System and software architecture and system engineering * Tools, environments, and languages for complex systems * Formal methods and approaches to manage and control complex systems * Integration of heterogeneous technologies * Software and system development and control processes for complex systems * Human factors and collaborative aspects * Interoperability and standardization * Systems and software safety and security * Industrial automation, embedded and/or real time systems * Content production and distribution systems, mobile and multi-channel systems * Software complexity visualization * Virtual environments for managing complexity

    [material deleted]

    --[5]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:42:36 +0100 From: amalfi2004@rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu Subject: Invitation to SSCCII-2004 in Amalfi, Italy, 29.1.-1.2.2004

    Dear Dr. Humanist

    I am happy to invite you to be a speaker at the VIP Scientific Forum of the International SSCCII-2004 Conference in Italy (SSCCII = Symposium of Santa Caterina on Challenges in Internet and Interdisciplinary research).

    Deadlines: Abstract (100 words) = October 29, 2003 Full Papers = November 19, 2003 Paper Acceptance Notification = December 3, 2003 Payment (fee and hotel) = December 24, 2003

    This year SSCCII-2004 takes place from Thursday January 29 (arrival day) till Sunday February 1 (departure day), in the Italy's best coastline hotel Santa Caterina, Amalfi (source: The Leading Hotels of the World). Detailed program and all relevant information are given at the web site of the conference.

    The conference is limited to 60 attendees (physical capacity of the Santa Caterina hotel), and only plenary sessions will be organized. So far, many more researchers expressed an interest to come, which means that some submissions will have to be rejected. Still, new submissions are more than welcome.

    [material deleted]

    URL(SSCCII-2004 VIP Scientific Forum) => http://www.ipsi.co.yu

    URL(Chairman of the SSCCII-2004 VIP Scientific Forum) => http://galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu/vm/

    Sincerely yours,

    Prof. Dr. V. Milutinovic Chairman

    PS - If you like to attend other scientific non-profit conferences organized by us, please see the web (www.ipsi.co.yu). If you would like not to receive information about our conferences, please let us know.

    --[6]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:43:24 +0100 From: "Alexander Gelbukh" <gelbukh@cic.ipn.mx> Subject: CFP: CICLing 2004 (Computational Linguistics) news: Speech Processing keynote speaker; late submissions

    CICLing-2004 news: =============================================

    - New keynote speaker: Nick Campbell, "Expressive Speech Processing" and tutorial with practical experience in expressive speech processing

    - If this made you decide to submit a paper, contact us for late submissions

    - Please pass the news on to relevant people

    Call for Papers: =============================================


    Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics

    February 15 to 21, 2004 Seoul, Korea www.CICLing.org

    PUBLICATION: Springer LNCS (indexed by SCI Extended)

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 1, short papers: October 20 Contact us for late submissions

    KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Martin Kay, Philip Resnik, Ricardo Baeza, Nick Campbell

    EXCURSIONS: Archeological sites, Royal Palaces, traditional village, and more See photos at www.CICLing.org/2004

    Air ticket price from EU/US: $800 - $1000 in February

    URL: http://www.CICLing.org/2004

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Sep 30 2003 - 03:57:27 EDT