16.415 colloquium, conferences, workshop

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 02:25:18 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 415.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: Dirk Kottke <dirk.kottke@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de> (37)
             Subject: Einladung zum 87. Kolloquium

       [2] From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com> (36)
             Subject: Museums and the Web 2003: Preliminary Program On-Line

       [3] From: Licia Landi <licialandi@tin.it> (50)
             Subject: International Conference Announcement

       [4] From: "Olga Francois" <ofrancois@umuc.edu> (24)
             Subject: Preventing Plagiarim Workshop Reminder!

             Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 07:03:16 +0000
             From: Dirk Kottke <dirk.kottke@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>
             Subject: Einladung zum 87. Kolloquium

               U N I V E R S I T T T B I N G E N
        Z E N T R U M F R D A T E N V E R A R B E I T U N G
        Abteilung Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung


                            E I N L A D U N G

                             zum 87. Kolloquium

    ber die Anwendung der Elektronischen Datenverarbeitung
    in den Geisteswissenschaften an der Universitt Tbingen

    Diese Kolloquien sollen einerseits dem Erfahrungs- und Meinungs-
    austausch dienen, andererseits einfhrende Information
    darber geben, welche Hilfestellung die EDV dem Geistes-
    wissenschaftler bieten kann. Jede(r) Interessierte ist willkommen.

                                T H E M E N

        Wolframs Parzival: Probleme der elektronischen Edition
        eines reich berlieferten Textes

        Referent: Prof. Dr. Michael Stolz
                  Deutsches Seminar, Universitt Basel

        Ein Rahmen fr elektronische Studienausgaben im Internet

        Referent: PD Dr. Fotis Jannidis
                  Institut fr Deutsche Philologie,
                  Universitt Mnchen

    Zeit: Samstag, 25. Januar 2003, 9.15 bis ca. 12.30 Uhr

    Ort: Seminarraum des ZDV, Wchterstrae 76 (EG)

                                               gez. Prof. Dr. W. Ott


    Das Protokoll des 86. Kolloquiums finden Sie demnchst im WWW unter:


    Falls Sie keinen oder keinen bequemen Zugriff auf das Protokoll
    im WWW haben, schicken wir Ihnen die Protokolle auch
    weiterhin gerne mit der Post zu, wenn Sie uns dies mitteilen.

    Dirk Kottke |
    Universitt Tbingen | Tel. 07071/29-70309
    Zentrum fr Datenverarbeitung | FAX: 07071/29-5912
    Wchterstrae 76 | e-mail: kottke@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
    D-72074 Tbingen |

             Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 07:08:32 +0000
             From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com>
             Subject: Museums and the Web 2003: Preliminary Program On-Line

              Museums and the Web 2003
              March 19-22, 2003
              Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

    The MW2003 Preliminary Program is now available.

    Join us at the seventh annual Museums and the Web conference - the premier
    international venue to review the state of the Web in arts, culture, and
    heritage. The MW2003 program will Web-related issues for museums, archives,
    libraries and other cultural institutions. If you are working with the Web
    in these areas plan to join us.

    The formal program of Museums and the Web 2003 consists of two plenary
    sessions, eighteen parallel sessions, 60 museum project demonstrations,
    dozens of commercial exhibits, seven full-day and 6 half-day pre-conference
    workshops, and ten one-hour mini-workshops combined with a day-long
    usability lab, a day-long design "Crit Room", and the Best of the Web awards.

    The informal program involves full-day pre-conference tours, evening
    receptions each night of the meeting, a dozen Birds-of-a-Feather breakfast
    meetings, and hours of discovery and debate with hundreds of colleagues
    from more that 35 countries.

    All papers presented at MW2003 are peer reviewed. Full session
    descriptions, abstracts, speaker biographies and lots more details are
    on-line at http://www.archimuse.com/mw2003/ Papers will be published
    on-line before the conference begins. Selected Papers will be available in

    Join us at the largest international gathering about cultural heritage
    on-line. Register on-line at http://www.archimuse.com/mw2003/register/

    We hope to see you in Charlotte the spring!

    David and jennifer

    (please note our new address)


    Museums and the Web Co-Chairs: Archives & Museum Informatics David Bearman and Jennifer Trant 2008 Murray Ave, Suite D http://www.archimuse.com/mw.html Pittsburgh, PA 15217 phone +1 412 422 8530 / fax +1 412 291 1292 USA email: info@archimuse.com

    --[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 07:05:58 +0000 From: Licia Landi <licialandi@tin.it> Subject: International Conference Announcement

    Apologies for cross-posting.

    We are pleased to announce the conference: "La formazione degli insegnanti di discipline classiche - Il ruolo delle SSIS"

    The conference will be held at the University of Padua (Italy) on 7 th February 2003

    Sponsored by Universit degli Studi di Padova CIRED - Centro interdipartimentale per la ricerca educativa e didattica SSIS- Scuola di specializzazione interateneo per l'insegnamento secondario del Veneto Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichit


    All the lectures will take place in Palazzo del Bo. Sala dell'Archivio Antico

    Ore 9. Apertura dei lavori. Saluti del Prof. U. Margiotta, Direttore SSIS del Veneto, del Prof. A. Costantini, Coordinatore dell'Indirizzo linguistico-letterario, del Prof. P. Scarpi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichit.

    Ore 9,30-10,00. L. Scarpa, Cired di Padova, SSIS del Veneto. Insegnare l'antico. Prospettive per una didattica disciplinare.

    Ore 10,00-10,30. E. Andreoni Fontecedro, SSIS del Lazio. Latino: metodi e contenuti.

    Ore 10,30-11,00. G. Cajani, SSIS della Lombardia. La didattica dell'approccio per il greco: il metodo lessicale.

    Ore 11,00-11,30. F. Roscalla, SSIS della Lombardia. La didattica del sistema verbale greco.

    Ore 11,30 - 12,00. A. Piva, SSIS del Veneto. Tirocinium Latinitatis.

    Ore 12,00-12,30. R. Valenti, SSIS della Campania. Lettere al futuro: informatica e latino.


    Ore 14,30-15,00. A. Menegazzi, Universit di Padova. Insegnanti e didattica museale.

    Ore 15,00 -15,30. L. Landi, SSIS del Veneto. Quacumque ingredimur, in aliqua historia vestigium ponimus: le tecnologie didattiche nella formazione degli insegnanti di lingue classiche.

    Ore 15,30-16,00. J. Morgan, J-PROGS and Computing Coordinator of JACT. A view from the UK - Computanda Britannica.

    Ore 16,00-16,30. V. De Troyer, Het Gemeenschapsonderwijs - Brussel. Quot capita tot sensus. Classics & ICT in Flemish (and Dutch) class practice.

    Ore 16,30-18,30. Tavola rotonda sul tema: Formazione insegnanti: non si parte da zero. Partecipano: E. Andreoni Fontecedro, SSIS del Lazio - G. Cajani, SSIS della Lombardia -G. Cipriani, , SSIS della Puglia - A. De Vivo, SSIS della Campania - G. Luzzatto, Presidente CONCURED, SSIS della Liguria -U. Margiotta, Direttore SSIS del Veneto-- P. Mastandrea, SSIS del Veneto - S. Rocca, SSIS della Liguria - A. Tessier, SSIS del Friuli Venezia Giulia.

    Coordina: L. Scarpa.

    Comitato scientifico

    Sergio Celato Aldo Costantini Francesco Donadi Pietro De Prico Claudio Marangoni Licia Landi Paolo Mastandrea Umberto Margiotta Antonia Piva Antonella Zinato

    --[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 07:06:25 +0000 From: "Olga Francois" <ofrancois@umuc.edu> Subject: Preventing Plagiarim Workshop Reminder!


    *January 17, 2003* is the Early Registration Deadline for the Online Workshop: Preventing Plagiarism in the Online and face-2-face Classrooms http://www.umuc.edu/odell/cip/ipa2002/

    Moderated by Gary Pavela, Director of Judicial Programs and Student Ethical Development at the University of Maryland-College Park, this workshop will run from February 10 to February 28, 2003.

    Learn successful methods for designing assignments that will enhance student learning and lessen plagiarism. Share your experiences, proven assignments and methods with fellow classmates.

    The Center for Intellectual Property and Copyright at University of Maryland University College is also pleased to announce that a **Live Chat Session** with Patrick Scanlon, Professor of Professional and Technical Communications, Rochester Institute of Technology will be a part of this timely and important workshop!

    This is an online, asynchronous seminar in which participants are active at times convenient to them. For additional information call 301-985-7777 or 1-800-283-6832, extension 7777 or visit our web site to register online at http://www.umuc.edu/odell/cip/ipa2002/

    -Olga Francois Center for Intellectual Property University of Maryland University College http://www.umuc.edu/odell/cip/ipa2002/ [Please excuse the inevitable duplication of this notice.]

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jan 14 2003 - 04:37:02 EST