Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 194.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 10:29:12 -0700
From: Alexander Gelbukh<>
Subject: New journal on Computational Linguistics, in Russian and
Dear colleague,
[This is to ask you whether you or your library would subscribe to this
Soon we will start publishing a new journal on Computational Linguistics.
It will be published in Russia (in Russian and English, with summaries
in the other language); see description below.
To plan its printing and readership, we need to know whether you, or your
University's library, would subscribe to this journal. Especially
important are subscriptions outside ex-USSR, otherwise the project is just
not financially viable.
Please let us know [] if you plan to subscribe (how
many copies can your library afford?), to count your help in. The price
will be similar to that of existing journals, such as Computational
Linguistics. We plan to issue monthly volumes of some 100 pages (A4 size).
Yes. Recent annual conferences Dialogue ( have
gathered hundreds of Russian linguists, computational linguists, and
business representatives. About 150 best papers were selected for
publication in a 1250-page Proceedings volume of Dialogue-2002.
Dialogue conferences have more than 25 years of history.
In 2001, Russian Association for Computational Linguistics and Intelligent
Technologies (COLINT) was founded by several leading Russian research
institutes, software companies, and university groups, to promote the
full spectrum of activity in this domain, from fundamental research
to commercial product development.
The new journal will be oriented mostly to the vast community formed
around Dialogue and COLINT and will exploit its huge potential for
high quality novel publications.
1. Russian science has earned excellent reputation in the past. Even
though Russia has lost its military and financial strength, its
scientists are the same and the quality of their research keeps
the same.
2. Russian Computational Linguistics tradition, for historical reasons,
is different from the Western mainstream. It's good news and bad news.
Bad news because Western scientists sometimes have difficulties in
understanding Russian papers, and it takes some effort to map the
terminology and the basic assumptions to those traditional in the West.
Good news because this gives a new (or just non-traditional)
perspective, fresh (or just different) ideas, and thus enriches your
horizon. Combining these new (different) ideas with the mainstream
research directions would give you an advantage over your colleagues
who do not have access to this source, not to mention the advantage
for the science.
3. Many of these publications will deal with Russian as the object of the
research. Taking into account the potentially huge Russian market and
integration of Russia into world culture and economics, many companies
and thus research institutes, conferences, publishers, etc. show
constantly growing interest in Russian-related lingware, such as
translation software, OCR, style checkers, text mining, etc. Russian
as object might become (if not already is) a promising research
direction for your group, too!
4. If you live outside of ex-USSR, know that with few dollars or euros you
will help to save Russian science and to give access to scientific
literature to thousands of Russian scientists who just do not have
money to subscribe to existing computational linguistics journals.
5. If Russian is your native or second language, just enjoy reading in
Russian! And hearing from your old friends and colleagues.
1. Each paper will be supplied with a sufficiently detailed English
2. Ask your colleagues and students -- you will be surprised with that
some of them do read in Russian (if it is not their native language!).
1. Ask your librarian if they would subscribe for such a journal, and
let us know [] how many copies they can afford.
2. Pass this message on to your colleagues who might be interested, to
mailing lists, etc.
3. Accept our most cordial thanks! We will contact you when the first
issue is ready.
Thank you!
Alexander (
Welcome to CICLing-2003 conf:
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
February 2003, Mexico
Prof. Dr. Alexander Gelbukh (Alexandre Guelboukh Kahn),
Research Professor, head of NLP Lab,
Centro de Investigacion en Computacion (CIC),
Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico.,,
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to the topic of this journal. If you do not want to receive my messages,
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